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Festival2012/Submit/Remix games with Craftyy

1 byte added, 22:45, 4 October 2012
What do you see as outcomes after the festival?
==='''What do you see as outcomes after the festival?'''===
Follow-up: Can still see their By the end, you'll have made your own HTML5 game onlinewith a few other people, and published it to the web, where others can play it, and continue remixing it.
Sign A few ways to follow up for an account of their own:
--- Participants will leave with a prototyped concept. We will provide these follow-* Sign up opportunities: * Contribute your prototype to Source, a code repository for open news* Participate at a Hacks/Hackers event in London to develop these ideas furtherCraftyy account, so you can keep track of your game remixes and who's remixed yours
* Join our mailing list to stay in touch and share progress
* Fork and contribute to the Craftyy source code itself

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