Festival2012/Submit/Remix games with Craftyy

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Remix games with Craftyy

What will your session or activity allow people to make, learn or do?

We'll explore the Craftyy editor, a drag-and-drop way to make & remix HTML5 games, all in the browser.

We'll go through the basics of each step in the game development process, remixing each others' games in the process.

You'll learn how to do the following with Craftyy:

  • Design: The basic drag & drop
  • Art: Creating and remixing art
  • Audio: Adding sound and music
  • Code: Changing the mechanics
  • Remixing: How you can reuse parts of other games in your own.
  • Publishing: Embedding the game

And by the end, you'll have collaboratively made an HTML5 game you can embed in your site or blog.

How do you see that working?

We'll do something we call the Exquisite Corpse Roundtable.

Sounds horrifying, doesn't it? Well, the Exquisite Corpse is a game where each player draws part of an image, then passes it to the next player for further contribution. We'll be doing that, except with games.

  1. At the start of each round, we teach you a new aspect of Craftyy.
  2. Each group gets to apply that to their new game
  3. At the end of each round, each group passes their game to another.
  4. Repeat.

How will you deal with 5, 15, 50 participants?

We'll try to split into 5 groups as evenly as possible, for the Exquisite Corpse Roundtable to make a full circle.

  • With 5 participants: Each "group" is just one person.
  • with 15 participants: Each group has 3 people.
  • With 50 participants: Here, we'll have two Exquisite Corpse Roundtables, each needing 5 groups of five people.

How long within your session before someone else can teach this?

About 10 min for each of the five rounds:

  1. Design
  2. Art
  3. Audio
  4. Code (this one might take longer)
  5. Remixing

What do you see as outcomes after the festival?

By the end, you'll have made your own HTML5 game with a few other people, and published it to the web...

... where others can play it, and make remixes of their own!

A few other ways to follow up:

  • Sign up for a Craftyy account, so you can keep track of your game remixes and who's remixed yours
  • Join our mailing list to stay in touch and share progress
  • Fork and contribute to the Craftyy source code itself