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576 bytes added, 16:31, 28 September 2015
Meeting Notes
* Notetaker:
* Attendees:Axel, flod, Jeff, Pascal, Arky, Peiying, Matjaz, gandalf, stas, delphine, chofmann
* ''Put your talking points here.''
* Orlando
** enhance session descriptions on the ep with details on attendance, details, expected outcomes
** Axel to add Firefox session, "Going faster with l10n"
* Continuous L10n continued
* Orlando : Which Firefox session* Talked about this for 30 mins, more than notes can carry** General agreement that we need to get more engaged** Comms is important, modernize that?** Is aurora the solution or the problem? Do we have data?** Single-repo is good, though it might be double.** Can we do just one global repo for all locales?*** facebook extension?** single-repo and tools?
==Action Items==
Confirm, emeritus

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