Firefox OS/Comms/Dialer/Sprint/v2.2-S2

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File:Dialer v2.2-S2 burndown chart.png

  • <POINTS>,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0

Bugs Taken in Planning

No results.

0 Total; 0 Open (0%); 0 Resolved (0%); 0 Verified (0%);

Bugs Taken but not Completed

No results.

0 Total; 0 Open (0%); 0 Resolved (0%); 0 Verified (0%);

Bugs Taken During Sprint

No results.

0 Total; 0 Open (0%); 0 Resolved (0%); 0 Verified (0%);

All Issues for this Sprint

No results.

0 Total; 0 Open (0%); 0 Resolved (0%); 0 Verified (0%);

Bugs Redirected

No results.

0 Total; 0 Open (0%); 0 Resolved (0%); 0 Verified (0%);

Daily Standup Meetings

  • Current hosts: drs, gtorodelvalle, thills
  • Hosts rotate every week.
  1. If you're not available for a standup that you're scheduled to host, then ask for someone else to host instead for just that time.
  2. Start by pinging everyone who should be participating.
  3. List any administrative items you have, and then ask for more from other people (look at the Etherpad).
  4. Look at the list of blockers and blocker nominations and see if there's anything new or that needs action. Mention these during this time.
  5. Move to individual updates. Go alphabetically, in descending order.
  6. If someone's update is taking longer than 3-4 minutes, you should generally cut them off and ask them to talk about it after the standup.
  7. Copy the reports from the GDoc to the wiki page for that day. Use the Etherpad-to-Wiki converter to format it. You can just copy and paste the whole thing and the converter will do everything for you.
  8. Ask the person who should be hosting the week after you if they'll be available. If not, move onto the next person.

Day 10:


Day 9:


Day 8:


Day 7:


Day 6:


Day 5:


Day 4:


Day 3:


Day 2:


Day 1:



Acquire from Estimates Etherpad

Office Hours

Day 7

Day 2


Retrospective Etherpad

Things we did well

Things we could do better

Action items
