- 10:30 drs: hi all, looks like it's standup time
- 10:30 drs: Rik, gsvelto, gtorodelvalle, thills
- 10:30 thills: HI DRS
- 10:30 gtorodelvalle: Hey! :)
- 10:30 thills: sorry for caps
- 10:30 drs: heh
- 10:30 Rik: THAT'S OK THILLS!
- 10:30 drs: ok, let's get started
- 10:31 Rik: there is something
- 10:31 drs: ok, go ahead
- 10:31 Rik: I think we should populate https://wiki.mozilla.org/FirefoxOS/Comms/Dialer/Sprint/v2.1-S1#Demos as we go
- 10:32 drs: ok, cool
- 10:32 Rik: it's easy to take screenshots/videos while we work on something
- 10:32 Rik: not so when you need to do it at the end of a sprint
- 10:32 drs: yeah, makes sense. looks like gtorodelvalle also has admin items on the etherpad
- 10:32 Rik: if we have enough demos, we could blog about them (or a subset)
- 10:32 thills: so, this is mainly for features, right?
- 10:32 gtorodelvalle: Yeap
- 10:32 Rik: thills: or bad bugs
- 10:32 drs: thills: features and any blockers that make a big difference
- 10:32 gtorodelvalle: Ups, sorry, I “yeap” drs :)
- 10:33 Rik: thills: let's do everything ! :)
- 10:33 thills: heh… screenshots of new unit test logs?
- 10:33 gtorodelvalle: Yeah, “previously in Dialer…” and the latest updates :)
- 10:33 Rik: thills: your notification bug is very demo-able
- 10:33 drs: including bug 1039643
- 10:33 firebot: https://bugzil.la/1039643 — NEW, thills — Write some unit tests for shared/js/dialer/contacts.js
- 10:33 gsvelto: hi there
- 10:33 gsvelto: I'm slightly later
- 10:33 drs: heh, I think we should keep it to bugs that have visible impact to the end user
- 10:34 gsvelto: *late
- 10:34 Rik: thills: you can screenshot 0 tests -> over 9000 tests! :D
- 10:34 thills: hehe
- 10:34 gtorodelvalle: passing, right?
- 10:34 drs: actually, does anyone feel that having demos of every bug would be motivating?
- 10:34 drs: (some people on other teams said this)
- 10:34 Rik: I'm kind of jealous of SMS demos so yup :)
- 10:34 gtorodelvalle: If it has a visual impact I would say yes
- 10:34 gsvelto: that depends on how long it takes to make the demo
- 10:35 drs: how about we set a minimum requirement then
- 10:35 drs: if it has end user impact, we require a demo
- 10:35 drs: but if you want to do one, you can do it even if it doesn't
- 10:35 gsvelto: sounds good
- 10:35 gtorodelvalle: +1
- 10:35 drs: ok
- 10:35 drs: gtorodelvalle: you also had some admin items
- 10:35 gtorodelvalle: I just included a couple of issues on the Etherpad related to a couple of bugs with third party apps test failing and was wondering if you guys want us to check with you or just go ahead and land them :)
- 10:36 gtorodelvalle: They were Paco’s patches
- 10:36 drs: if you're not sure, it's best to check with us
- 10:36 gtorodelvalle: ;)
- 10:36 gtorodelvalle: On the other hand…
- 10:36 drs: it won't really hurt to merge a patch a day late if there's no deadline
- 10:36 drs: but if you're sure it's unrelated, then you can go ahead and merge
- 10:36 gtorodelvalle: I just was told that the sprint planing took place at 11:00 or at least the retrospective, is that right?
- 10:36 drs: ? what do you mean
- 10:36 gtorodelvalle: I had no entry in my agenda :( in case you could forward it to me
- 10:37 drs: sorry, you lost me
- 10:37 Rik: yes, it was this morning at 11
- 10:37 gtorodelvalle: Today at 11
- 10:37 gtorodelvalle: Yeap :D
- 10:37 Rik: https://etherpad.mozilla.org/comms-retrospect-demo
- 10:37 gtorodelvalle: I lost it too :p
- 10:37 drs: oh, the comms retrospective, ok
- 10:37 Rik: wesley will re-send it
- 10:37 gtorodelvalle: Great! Thanks!
- 10:37 gtorodelvalle: That’s all on my side regarding administrave issues
- 10:38 drs: ok
- 10:38 drs: so as for my update
- 10:38 drs: I have nothing to draw attention to, I'm just gonna put my head down and work on some bugs listed on etherpad
- 10:38 drs: Rik
- 10:38 drs: davidg1: sorry, forgot to ping you at the beginning, hi
- 10:38 wesley_huang has left IRC (Quit: wesley_huang)
- 10:39 Rik: nothing to highlight either, I'll start working on the reflow stuff once I'm done with my last review
- 10:39 davidg1: drs: no problem :)
- 10:39 Rik: next?
- 10:39 drs: ok, davidg1
- 10:39 davidg1: I'm currently looking at bug 976678
- 10:39 firebot: https://bugzil.la/976678 — UNCONFIRMED — [zffos1.3][P3](Local) During voice calls the sound alert for new SMS does not beep.
- 10:40 gtorodelvalle: DJ David1 :O
- 10:40 drs: davidg1, is that everything?
- 10:40 davidg1: I'm thinking about letting the callscreen app play the notifications using the telephony channel
- 10:41 drs: do you want feedback on that?
- 10:41 davidg1: yes I will like to ask someone about that
- 10:41 drs: who is best to talk with about that? gsvelto? can you guys talk about it after, we're running out of time
- 10:41 Rik: davidg1: you could needinfo Carrie on this
- 10:41 davidg1: Rik: cool, I will
- 10:41 davidg1: next?
- 10:41 drs: ok, gsvelto
- 10:41 gsvelto: I just finished massaging the unit tests for bug 1006592, I'm going to submit the patch for review soon
- 10:41 firebot: https://bugzil.la/1006592 — ASSIGNED, gsvelto — While sending USSD code, last dialed number by user appears in dialer app
- 10:42 gsvelto: and this is pretty much it
- 10:42 gsvelto: at least for today :)
- 10:42 gtorodelvalle: Everthing on track on my side (also on Paco’s :) ) and detailed on the Etherpad page :)
- 10:42 drs: ok, thills
- 10:42 gtorodelvalle: Next is thills
- 10:42 thills: From my side, I was working on pull reuqest for bug 998147 and managed to overwrite the changes with a merge :( I think a 5 min IRC will help me understand what best practice is for this scenario… maybe rik or gsvelto? And then started working on bug 1039643
- 10:42 firebot: https://bugzil.la/998147 — ASSIGNED, thills — [Dialer] A Missed Call notification is given when chosing to hang up on an incoming call
- 10:43 gsvelto: thills, you mean you overwrote your changes?
- 10:43 drs: ok thanks, meeting over (you can talk about that now)