- [14:31] <Rik> ok let's start
- [14:31] <Rik> drs: etienne_s: gsvelto: thills
- [14:31] <etienne_s> o/
- [14:31] <thills> here
- [14:31] <Rik> let's start with etienne_s since drs didn't answer yet
- [14:31] <drs> hello
- [14:31] <gsvelto> pong
- [14:31] <drs> sorry, bouncer disconnected me for some reason
- [14:31] <etienne_s> nothing on my side, apart from the audio competing stuff which is landing today (we had a platform issue yesterday)
- [14:32] <Rik> ok thanks
- [14:32] <Rik> gsvelto: next
- [14:32] <Rik> (drs, we'll come back to you at the end)
- [14:32] <gsvelto> so today I landed bug 1019783
- [14:32] <firebot> https://bugzil.la/1019783 — FIXED, gsvelto — Output from *#06# on FLAME DIALER used to return 2 IMEI
- [14:32] <gsvelto> and I've just uplifted it to v1.4 too
- [14:32] <gsvelto> I have to ask for v2.0 approval and as I had forgot previously I really have to shoot an e-mail at dev-gaia on the topic
- [14:33] <gsvelto> it's totally silly that something that's 1.4+ needs explicit approval to land on 2.0
- [14:33] <drs> gsvelto: that's not true actually
- [14:33] <drs> I talked with lawrence about this
- [14:33] <drs> he cleared some stuff up
- [14:33] <drs> a 1.3T+ bug needs approval for any other branch
- [14:33] <drs> but any other 1/2.X+ bug doesn't need approval for any later branches
- [14:33] <drs> for example, a 1.4+ bug can land on 2.0+
- [14:33] <gsvelto> drs, ah, ok, fine
- [14:34] <gsvelto> drs, that'll save me some time
- [14:34] <Rik> let's still have this discussion in dev.gaia so that every gaia dev knows about this
- [14:34] <drs> he said a lot of people have been landing 1.3T+ bugs on other branches, like 1.4, but they shouldn't be doing that
- [14:34] <Rik> let's have this discussion after the meeting
- [14:34] <gsvelto> anyway I've also got a patch for bug 1036386 which is follow up work
- [14:34] <Rik> gsvelto: anything else?
- [14:34] <firebot> https://bugzil.la/1036386 — ASSIGNED, gsvelto — When hitting network errors the SIM number is not displayed in MMI/USSD messages
- [14:34] <gsvelto> and bug 1008737 which is not in the dialer but still has to do with IMEIs :-p
- [14:34] <firebot> https://bugzil.la/1008737 — ASSIGNED, gsvelto — [DSDS] [Flame] Only first IMEI is exposed in Settings -> About
- [14:34] <gsvelto> and I'm done, next is gtorodelvalle
- [14:35] <gtorodelvalle> Hi guys! Not much to update on my side… I spent quite some time onboarding David García Paredes (I will introduce him to you soon :) ) and my life these days is all about https://bugzilla.mozilla.org/show_bug.cgi?id=1018283 Currently rebasing again and fixing the failing tests… It is a matter of time I manage to land this one ;)
- [14:35] <firebot> Bug 1018283 — REOPENED, gtorodelvalle — [Follow-up 951665] Pending visual revision and adjustments of the VR call screen when in lockscreen
- [14:35] <gtorodelvalle> Paco is working on the prototype :)
- [14:35] <drs> gtorodelvalle: which tests are failing?
- [14:36] <drs> gtorodelvalle: is it still intermittents or from other components
- [14:36] <drs> or are they tests that your patch is causing to fail?
- [14:36] <gtorodelvalle> Oh man! Right now some bootstrap one but I recall that it also happened in the past and could be a mater one
- [14:36] <gtorodelvalle> I doubt of myself right now :p
- [14:36] <gtorodelvalle> I am tracking it to clarify it, again
- [14:36] <drs> that sounds like an intermittent, try re-running it
- [14:36] <gtorodelvalle> Yeah, on it
- [14:36] <drs> btw, it's nice that you're looking into all these intermittents, but you can still land your patch if you're not causing any new failures
- [14:37] <gtorodelvalle> I’ll contact you if this goes on
- [14:37] <drs> ok, sure
- [14:37] <gtorodelvalle> ;)
- [14:37] <Rik> next is me I guess
- [14:37] <gtorodelvalle> So next would be Rik
- [14:37] <gtorodelvalle> yeap
- [14:37] <Rik> on the blocker side, I'm writing tests for the one I'm working on
- [14:38] <Rik> also drs opened https://bugzilla.mozilla.org/show_bug.cgi?id=dialer-most-wanted yesterday
- [14:38] <drs> yeah, Rik and I will be gradually filling that with things
- [14:38] <drs> and we encourage you guys to do so too
- [14:38] <Rik> we're going to use this to track things that we want to work on but are not blockers, heavy features, etc
- [14:39] <Rik> so that during sprint planning, we can take some items from this meta bug
- [14:39] <Rik> next is thills
- [14:39] <drs> the goal is to always have something to work on
- [14:39] <thills> so, for both bug 998147 and bug 1029721 I am planning to see if I can get some time on IRC from Hsin-Yi tonight when she comes online. The CDMA one, I'm pretty much reading code. I need a session with her.
- [14:39] <firebot> https://bugzil.la/998147 — ASSIGNED, thills — [Dialer] A Missed Call notification is given when chosing to hang up on an incoming call
- [14:39] <firebot> https://bugzil.la/1029721 — ASSIGNED, thills — CDMA call waiting call is not logged in call history
- [14:40] <Rik> thills: for the CDMA one, maybe gsvelto can help you a bit?
- [14:40] <gsvelto> thills, I feel your pain, I've done all the CDMA stuff by reading the code (and sometimes the specs)
- [14:40] <Rik> (I don't know the context)
- [14:40] <gsvelto> Rik, the context is that we don't have a way to test our code, neither a device nor the emulator
- [14:40] <gsvelto> Rik, so we develop blindly
- [14:40] <drs> oh, so an update on that:
- [14:41] <thills> gsvelto I might ping you on this… to help interpret her comment in the bug
- [14:41] <drs> scravag contacted wesley who has found a wasabi device
- [14:41] <gsvelto> thills, sure
- [14:41] <drs> but we could really use a second for both thills and I
- [14:41] <gsvelto> drs, and maybe one for me too ;)
- [14:41] <drs> gsvelto: oh, I thought you don't have any CDMA networks nearby?
- [14:41] <Rik> gsvelto: (I meant which topic thills needs to talk about with hsin-yi)
- [14:42] <gsvelto> drs, right, I don't :(
- [14:42] <thills> rik: the cdma one.
- [14:42] <drs> yeah, we still have CDMA in NA
- [14:42] <Rik> I hear wesley will ship a gsvelto to North America :)
- [14:42] <Rik> thills: anything else?
- [14:42] <thills> rik: also, the one you commented on, bug 998147, I wnat to get her feedback on that. Becase i don't know how to proceed.
- [14:42] <gsvelto> drs, save that wasabi for someone else :'(
- [14:42] <drs> gsvelto: I think thills could use it the most
- [14:42] <drs> followed by me
- [14:43] <thills> that's it for me
- [14:43] <drs> ok
- [14:43] <drs> administrative: the fxos-dialer mailing list hasn't been created yet by IT but will be soon, I'll add everyone to it when it is
- [14:43] <Rik> ok next is drs then
- [14:43] <drs> I have to review Bug 1010104 for gtorodelvalle, which I'll do today
- [14:43] <firebot> https://bugzil.la/1010104 — NEW, gtorodelvalle — [Dialer][Call Screen] Baseline of the contact name when applying the fluid font size
- [14:43] <drs> that's it for me
- [14:43] <drs> (other than the etherpad notes)
- [14:44] <Rik> administrative
- [14:44] <Rik> we have two blockers without an assignee
- [14:44] <Rik> https://wiki.mozilla.org/FirefoxOS/Comms/Dialer/Sprint/v2.0-S6#Blockers_Without_an_Assignee
- [14:44] <drs> ah, good catch
- [14:44] <Rik> I've already commented on the two
- [14:45] <Rik> the first one already has a patch but I don't want to take it into 1.4
- [14:45] <Rik> the second one will probably need someone to work on it once we know what to do
- [14:45] <Rik> any taker?
- [14:45] <Rik> that would be https://bugzilla.mozilla.org/show_bug.cgi?id=1035183
- [14:45] <drs> I can take it
- [14:46] <firebot> Bug 1035183 — NEW — Matching numbers screen results is not properly localized for 10+ matches
- [14:46] <Rik> good then
- [14:46] <Rik> meeting adjourned! :)
- [14:46] <gsvelto> Rik, thanks, see you tomorrow!
- [14:46] <Rik> thills: do you want to run the meeting tomorrow? :)
- [14:46] <thills> rik: sure, I can do that
- [14:47] <gtorodelvalle> Ups, that reminds me that I will be on PTO tomorrow… :)
- [14:47] <gtorodelvalle> I’ll update my user in Bugzilla EOB
- [14:48] <drs> gtorodelvalle: can you write any notes on the etherpad before you go?
- [14:49] <gtorodelvalle> drs: Yeah, I’ll update the status of https://bugzilla.mozilla.org/show_bug.cgi?id=1018283 ;)
- [14:49] <firebot> Bug 1018283 — REOPENED, gtorodelvalle — [Follow-up 951665] Pending visual revision and adjustments of the VR call screen when in lockscreen
- [14:50] <Rik> drs: btw, our sprints go from tuesday to monday
- [14:51] <Rik> we decided this because it aligns with gecko branches
- [14:51] <drs> Rik: okay, thanks