Drumbeat/events/Festival/planning/June 23 notes
From MozillaWiki
On the call
Nathaniel James, Mark Surman, Maria Sole, Allen Gunn, Michelle Thorne
- Festival Vision
- Program
- Venue
- Planning team & working process
- Design & Build
Festival Vision
- Reviewed draft vision document.
Action items:
- Improve vision document by adding some narrative to participants section, reordering participants to reflect the mix of open ed and open web communities, adding a preamble for more general goals, simplifying goals section w/ emphasis on what makes DBF10 unique (focus on prject state changes, new active collaborations), adding a "what will happen at DBF10 section" with headlines from confirmed programming, and adding more current language to the message section.
- Currently light on confirmed tech community & European participants.
- Public confirming Michelle Thorne as program co-chair with Mark.
- Discussed localization: reac out to Mozilla localization community in Spain to request regular updates in Spanish and Catalan on 5-10 key Festical web pages. Begin messaging for on-site language issues: English event, strong effort to translate plenary sessions into Spanish and Catalan, small groups work from a basic set of sensible guidelines. Saturday event mostly in Catalan for local young people.
Action items
- Mark will begin intenstive Mozilla Europe outreach on Aug 2.
- Nathan generates outreach message for Aug 4 to announce current programming and timeline (registration, call for ideas, etc.)
- Nathan and Maria make localization outreach plan.
- Allen and Maria make on site language plan.
- Nathan requests access to www.drumbeat.org Festival signups
- Progress update - all moving forward
Planning team & working process
- Three tiers: Core Team, Advisory Committee, Participants
- Core Team: Mark, Nathan, Maria, Michelle, Allen. May add 1-3 more in coming weeks.
- Advisory commitee: see https://wiki.mozilla.org/Drumbeat/events/Festival/team
- Working process: weekly core team calls and report outs. List for most involved advisors and participants
Action items:
- Nathan to set up list
Design & Build
- Discussed the look & feel (and development process of same) for Festival: lightweight (ie less thna 10% of elements we had at Summit 2010), generativity support (butcher block, tape, markers, etc.). 3 potential vendors for design and web development identified.
Action items:
- Nathan initiates convo with designers/developers.
Other action items
- Begin developing template for participant-to-funder outreach to supplement travel costs