Webdev/Beer And Tell/May2014

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Once a month web developers across the Mozilla community get together (in person and virtually) to share what side projects or cool stuff we've been working on. Generally this means things that aren't a direct work project; those can go in the monthly Webdev Meetings.



The limit is 5 minutes per speaker. It's like a lightning talk, but don't feel that you have to have slides in order to make a presentation. Time limits are flexible depending on the amount of stuff being presented.

If you are presenting, make sure to connect via Vidyo (or using the public join link above)!

Presenter Topic Media (links) More Details Beer
peterbe HTML Tree htmltree.peterbe.com [1]
Pomax FlickrMirror [2][3], backed by [4] Tired of Flickr's "hip new look"? Just want your Flickr stuff without paying $40 for an app that yields "impossible to further use" metadata? Yo. Lavazza turns out I'm having a G&T
Potch PianoThing! piano Osmose recording mod: https://gist.github.com/Osmose/2664ed7e919e91a29909
Dethe Baffle! baffle, gh:[5] js-boggle, on hex grids