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1,720 bytes added, 18:22, 8 June 2011
Individual feedback
* Better organization of event. Bogo was running all around when he should be with the rest of us.
* To share more ideas about marketing between communities.
=== Vito Smolej ===
* it was a pleasure to meet Chris
* Pontoon looks good
* we should become more self-reliant. It just does not make sense to call it Balkans meetup and Wiliam has to jump in again and again. It is ironic, that everybody is so enthused about "''coming to Sofia''" instructions, while on the other side hardly anybody had a look at the schedule or a comment about it (i.e. before the meeting) - with the honorable exception of Wiliam, which just proves my point.
* '''PitStop list''': I caused some stir on Sunday. I apologize for it, to Miloš first of all and to everybody else. Here's the background: one can localize until cows come home, but it does not count until the changes get pushed to the HG repository. That was my problem for the last two or three months: my ssh just refused to connect and push (while TB train was slowly leaving the station...), and then it was just two more hours before leaving and the problem unsolved ... well, I got it solved alright, but I would prefer a nicer way to get things done. Having a PitStop list (of things to check, fix, get a hands-on HowTo), where one could in advance describe the problem and give colleagues a chance to get ready to give help, would get me the same result without offending anybody.
* '''Three important issues''' for organizers: delegation, delegation, and - last but not least - delegation.
* '''Stick to the schedule''' - assuming you have one
* '''Have an MC''' / responsible for every unit on the schedule and make sure he knows his rights & his responsibilities
* Suggest we stop talking about a "big event", until we get small(er) run properly.

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