FirefoxOS Africa

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Welcome to the Firefox OS Africa community page !
You will find here tools, links, hopefully everything you always wanted to now about Firefox OS in Africa.

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Firefox OS

What is Firefox OS?


Firefox has always worked to make the Web open and more accessible to everyone. Firefox OS is a mobile operating system, which follows these values. Firefox OS makes it possible for more people to take advantage of the full power of the Web — access to the Web, create and consume new content, amplify their voice, control their destiny. Based on HTML5, platform of the web.

You can think of it as something more than a browser running on a very lightweight Linux-based operating system. Every app in Firefox OS including the Camera and the Dialer is a web app, i.e. a website in the form of an app. Simple, quick and light!

Here is a more technical description if needed: It is an open source operating system based on Linux and Mozilla’s Gecko technology. It is built upon open web standards like HTML5, CSS3, and JavaScript.

Attractive, affordable and easy to use, Firefox OS offers users just what they need. Whatever you need, Firefox OS is designed to get you there quicker. And it’s all incredibly delivered in the most simplest of ways to control with instant familiarity, saving you precious hours so you can start enjoying your phone right away.

What is the objective of Firefox OS?

You can access the Internet on all computers today but not on all mobile phones. Many smartphones are expensive and complicated.

Our goal is to provide an operating system for the next billion smartphone users - and we think we’ll get there. We’re experiencing incredibly huge traction in the industry, so much so, that the press has called Firefox OS THE most exciting new platform in mobile.

Thanks to Firefox OS, Africa now has an access to this simple, efficient and affordable system, which could change many lives out there. Firefox OS provides a flexible and open mobile platform that empowers everyone to build a better future.

A Firefox OS Community is being created and we are looking for people that believe in the same values as us to help us spread the word, let everyone gain access to the Internet on the go and shape our future.

Firefox OS has always worked with a non-profit, public benefit goal. Our teams are composed of passionate and dynamic volunteers who believe in us and in this mission.

Firefox OS Africa Project

What is the Firefox OS Africa project?


You can access the Internet on all computers today but not on all mobile phones, specially in Africa, where smartphones are too expensive and complicated. Thanks to Firefox OS, Africa now has an access to this simple, efficient and affordable system, which could change many lives out there. Firefox OS provides a flexible and open mobile platform that empowers everyone to build a better future.

What is its objective?

Our goal is to provide this operating system for the African users – and we’re almost there. We’re experiencing incredibly huge traction in the industry, so much so, that the press has called Firefox OS THE most exciting new platform in mobile.

A Firefox OS Community is currently being created and we are looking for people that believe in the same values as us to help us spread the word, let everyone gain access to the Internet on the go and shape our future.

Firefox OS has always worked with a non-profit, public benefit goal. Our teams are composed of passionate and dynamic volunteers who believe in us and in this mission. The volunteering authors are so brilliant that we will be introducing them one by one in short and cool interviews.

Interested in being part of the project?

If you want to join the Firefox OS adventure and help push the Mozilla project forward, follow these 2 easy steps:

1. Become a “Mozillian” by creating a profile on the Mozilla Community directory at 2. Send an email to indicating your name, surname, location, motivation and what relevant skills you have to support the Firefox OS Africa project.

We will contact you shortly to give you more information on the project and tell you how you can get involved.

If you want to get involved in anything Mozilla in Africa, have some proposal(s), need some help or just wanna chit-chat, please use one of these:

   IRC Channel: #mozafrica
   Mailing list:

"Dream Team"

Writing Team

This team will take care of writing and spreading content accross Wiki, social media channels and the FirefoxOSAfrica Blog.

Creative Team

This team will take care of creating visual creative content for the different Firefox OS Africa Community needs.

Events Team

This team will be in charge of the events criteria, attendance events and events creation. Adding to that, post-event activities, reporting...

Localisation Team

This team will take care of translating the different Wiki documents, articles etc into the needed languages.


Interested in other way of contribution? please join the Mozilla Africa Mailing List.

Meeting and weekly call

We have a 1-hour weekly call every friday at 4pm UTC. During this call, we discuss the major updates and next steps for the week after.
Our next call AGENDA is on 2024-10-04

If the next weekly call page is not yet created, please do it from the template: <createbox> align=left type=create preload=Template:MeetingFxosAfrica default=2024-10-04 prefix=FirefoxOS_Africa/ </createbox>

You can find our previous agendas and call minutes here:


Interested in being part of your own country's community? Please check the Mozilla Africa page.