Feed Handling/Viewing

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In Page Viewing


When the user clicks on a link to Feed content, a "pretty printed" page is displayed that shows the user some content from the feed and offers the ability to subscribe with their favorite reader.

When the user clicks on the "Subscribe" button in the browser toolbar, the user gets the opportunity to subscribe to the feed in their favorite reader. If no auto-handling action is selected, the same preview page as shown for link clicks is shown, with the UI to select a reader to use to subscribe.

In Page View

When the user clicks on a link to feed content they have not subscribed to:

| This is a web feed blah blah subscribe...          |
|                                                    |
| + Subscribe to this feed                           |
| <preview of content>                               |
|                                                    |

When the user clicks subscribe, or clicks on the subscribe button in the location bar:

| This is a web feed blah blah subscribe...          |
|                                                    |
| Subscribe with:                                    |
|   (*) @ Mozilla Thunderbird          ( Change... ) |
|   ( ) @ Bloglines (www.bloglines.com)( Change... ) |
|   ( ) @ Firefox Live Bookmarks         _More_info_ |
|                                                    |
|   [ ] Subscribe me with this reader automatically  |
|       from now on.                                 |
|                                                    |
|   (( Subscribe ))     ( Don't Subscribe )          |
| <preview of content>                               |
|                                                    |

Clicking Subscribe adds the feed in the specified reader. Depending on the reader, this may result in another page navigation, away from the feed. That's OK. If there is no navigation, the box will disappear.

When the user visits the feed again either by clicking on a link or by clicking the subscribe button, the informational text and subscribe options are not presented since the user is already subscribed.

Handling Many Feeds

When a page offers several distinct feeds for subscription (e.g. CNN.com's "Top Stories" and "Recent Stories"), the preview page is shown regardless of the auto-handling option, with the list of available feeds shown to the right:

| This is a web feed blah blah ...    Other Feeds:   |
|                                    _Recent_Stories_|
| + Subscribe to this feed                           |
| <preview of content>                               |
|                                                    |