Websites/Your Web/meetings/2011-08-25
From MozillaWiki
- William R (product owner)
- Chris (WebDev TPM)
- Mike A (WebDev)
- Corey (IT)
- Stas (L10N)
- Raymond (Security)
- Michael (Security)
- Tara (Engagement)
- Chrissie (Engagement)
- williamR to give overview of project
- williamR to give project requirements and any constraints
- Questions/comments from internal team leads
- Next steps
- inspired by WebDev offsite in Portland
- get people to get the idea that we are all part of a larger eco system
- upload words or sentence of what the web means to them
- upload a photo of themselves holding up a sign
- one key question over time and submissions would always be associated with the original question asked
- identify themselves as a certain type of person (fixed lists + catch all)
- see your image/text into collage
- share your own submissions by email or share onto social media
- share any other person's submission
- hover over text and view other translations
- allow external people to localize pictures and text and then have Mozilla L10N group approve localizations
- project will be unique because submissions will come in any language instead of en-US being the source.
- Responsibilities of "ownership" during the project lifecycle will be shared between William and Winston
- Open the site up to Mozillians first
- Each question will be its own URL so that people can be directed to a unique homepage.
- Two administration areas: managing submissions and managing translations
- Collect email address and pass on to Responsys via SSL
- Storing a unique hash for submissions instead of any IP address (will help with bulk removing of user)
- Can we store the original larger image for future user?
- User retention
- 150k submissions
- 30k email sign ups
- Designs: Q3
- Development: Q4 2011
- If the main template was created in HTML/CSS/JavaScript it would really speed up WebDev work
- Making sure the front end doesn't allow for any exploitation
- Administration area is locked down
- L10N workflow with user generation translations is new for Mozilla
- Engagement cluster will be fine
- Scale down the images before storing
- Moderation and inappropriate content flagging