Websites/ 21 11

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Meeting Details

  • Meeting time: Thursday, July 21 at 10 AM PDT
  • Dial-in information: 1-800-707-2533, pin: 369, conf: 634
  • Back channel:


  • Introductions
  • Question: How can we get contributors involved in our web projects?
  • Question: How do you not lose track of people just starting to get involved?
  • Question: How do people deal with negative feedback and stop energy?
  • Question: How do you help people who just want to be assigned a task?
  • Question: What communication tools are people finding useful right now? What do people think of Yammer in particular?
  • Add more questions...
  • Meeting changes: Does meeting every 4 weeks make more sense?
  • Feel free to add to the agenda...
