Websites/Firefox Flicks/meetings/2012-01-31
From MozillaWiki
< Websites | Firefox Flicks
- ckoehler
- chelsea
- mkelly
- jfong
- Roundtable Updates
* jen: mozilla legan and/or contest legal? * mkelly: working on what happens when users login
- Review L10N procedure
- Other issues?
- if you login and haven't created profile, will prompt you to do so. only upload page requies a profile to be completed.
- l10n procedure:
* identify strings * run script that extracts them * put them on server, in verbatim * site update will pull latest strings from verbatim * keep list of production read languages in settings file, update that as languages are ready Need final copy and things like error strings. Creative brief and FAQ is complete, could be sent for L10N. Minimal tracking bug for each locale or core localizations.
Action Items
- ckoehler: check with chelsea re legal pages
- ckoehler: follow-up on vidly control panel
- ckoehler: review where copy is at,