
< Webmaker
Name: Webmaker (#)
Description: Tools, Curriculum and Community to teach the world the web
Owner: Brett Gaylor
Peer(s): Michelle Thorne, David Humphrey, Chris Lawrence, David Ascher, Cassie McDaniel, Jon Buckley, Kate Hudson
URL(s): http://wiki.mozilla.org/Webmaker

Submodules of Webmaker

Name: Webmaker.org (#)
Description: Primary user experience for Webmaker; Landing pages, user profiles, identity system, login
Owner: Cassie McDaniel
Peer(s): Kate Hudson
Name: Webmaker Tools (#)
Description: Publishing tools that encourage users to create the web
Owner: Simon Wex
Peer(s): Michael Kammermans, Scott Downe, Bobby Richter, Luke Pacholski
Name: Software architecture (#)
Description: API Design, frameworks
Owner: Simon Wex
Peer(s): David Humphrey
Name: User Experience + Brand (#)
Description: The user's experience and expectations of Webmaker
Owner: Cassie McDaniel

Name: Webmaker Curriculum (#)
Description: Content for teachers and learners
Owner: Chris Lawrence
Name: Webmaker Mentor program (#)
Description: Webmaker's contributor engine and grassroots membership program
Owner: Michelle Thorne
Name: Web Literacy Map (#)
Owner: Doug Belshaw