From MozillaWiki
Improve impact of — and value to — Mozilla Learning Networks by empowering mentors and educators to teach web and digital literacy in cities across the globe.
Mobilize Community
- Institute more opportunities for community members to connect, contribute and grow.
- Cultivate deeper relationships and leadership via skills development through training and events.
Sustain Engagement
- Get more people teaching the web by providing deeper web literacy learning experiences in cities around the world. Webmaker 'Clubs'. (may not be branded that).
- Package free+open curriculum paired with a community platform, training and badges that anyone can use.
Build Networks
- Hive Global grows to 30 cities, fostering local communities of educators who teach web & digital literacy.
- Further develop Hive platforms towards better Webmaker engagement, including feeding innovative content into broader Learning Networks initiatives
Before & After
- Before. Where do we stand now?
- 10 cities who share a model for connected learning and have been a testbed of some of Webmaker's best ideas & ground game. Lots of success to harvest and grow.
- 5K contributors who share their web skills, hosted an event, remixed a teaching kit, or otherwise took action to teach the web. It's quite ad-hoc and no clear path for them individually and as a group.
- After. What this will look like in Dec 2015?
- 500 cities involved with ongoing learning network activities including 30 Hive cities and 400+ locales teaching club content. They are providing a sophisticated ground game to teach web & digital literacy, with higher quality resources and practices and a strong group identity with local context.
- We have shipped a robust Web Literacy curriculum including content/programs from Hive that can be used to teach+assess 21st century skills.
- Retain aligned & locally active educators (goal: 4000)
- Establish baseline for club leaders (goal: 40)
- Establish baseline for club pilots (goal: 20 clubs)
- 10 Hive cities