From MozillaWiki
< WebAPI
- Bonnie
- Doug
- Gregor
- Mounir
- Kyle
- Raymond
- Jonas
Meeting Notes
- bonnie:
- Idle API:
- Done with the review comments.
- Will upload for a review either today or at the latest tomorrow.
- Will push to try.
- Will get back to working on the string encoding/decoding API.
- Idle API:
- dougt:
- device storage
- windows path bullshit
- should be pushable today/tonight
- working with pdagnelie on onchange notifications
- next to add:
- file handle support
- enumeration filtering based on modification date
- device proximity / user proximity
- landed last week
- working on spec a bit.
- device storage
- gwagner:
- improved sorting for contacts
- new field: carrier field for telephone number?
- prefilled-settings DB can be generated and pushed to the device now.
- Importing contacts from SIM card works.
- how should SIM-contact import work with multiple sim cards?
- mounir:
- two days off last week
- had to work on forms stuff
- have an intern who is going to work on forms for Mobile (android + b2g)
- implemented events bubbling outside of browser element
- Screen Orientation API is now FPWD in the WebApp WG!
- Kyle:
- Adding file-transfer to Bluetooth.
- Finalizing audio over bluetooth.
- Raymond:
- Multi apps per origin security review coming wednesday
- Security review for mozapps API mid june
- Jonas:
- https://bugzilla.mozilla.org/show_bug.cgi?id=756644 Store cookies (and other client-side data) per-application in addition to per-origin
- https://bugzilla.mozilla.org/show_bug.cgi?id=728081 Appcache integration on B2G
- https://bugzilla.mozilla.org/show_bug.cgi?id=756729 Implement "trusted apps"
- https://bugzilla.mozilla.org/show_bug.cgi?id=756620 Appcache integration for desktop