From MozillaWiki
< WebAPI
- WebTelephony
- WebSMS
- IndexedDB
- Network API
- Contacts API
- Battery
- Testing
- Screen Orientation
- Question: should we join DAP WG?
Meeting Notes
- Waiting for reviews on android. Need to figure out what we want to have on mobile firefox.
- Mobile team wants to use a different way to talk between gecko and Java. Blocked on figuring out a strategy
- Jim from B2G team might be looking at implementing
- Bluetooth
- Andreas drafted a low-level API. Kyle looking at implementing
- Network API
- DOM API and android backend ready to land
- Linux backend awaiting review
- Device Status TF feedback seems generally positive
- Screen orientation
- Mounir sent API proposal to webapi list
- Lets page detect screen orientation
- Lets page disable screen rotation and lock to particular orientation
- testing
- mostly turning attention to B2G as I got a build env working last week (hooray!)
- would be interesting to try out the telephony stuff in emulator if there are instructions
- will be working with test planning this week (webapis, but also b2g) will be hitting people up for input
- looks like I'll be learning how to build/use the emulator
- Automated tests
- Able to test sending messages to the device and pick them up using WebSMS API in the webpage!
- Other things should work too but hasn't been tested
- https://wiki.mozilla.org/Auto-tools/Projects/Marionette/Marionette_Client_API
- Should we join DAP?