From MozillaWiki
Let's Make an Extension!
Slide 1:
Technology Behind Extensions
- Powerful widget-based markup language
- XUL is an HTML-like markup language designed for rich applications
- Based on existing standards
- Cascading Style Sheets (CSS)
- Document Object Model (DOM)
- JavaScript, including E4X (ECMAScript for XML)
- Platform portability
- Extensions can run anywhere Firefox runs with little or no modifications
- Easy localization
- Locale specific resources are easily separated from presentation and code
- Automatically chooses appropriate locale at startup
Slide 2
Basic Extension Example
Manifest file : Tell Firefox about my extension
content emptysidebar content/ overlay chrome://browser/content/browser.xul chrome://mysidebar/content/overlay.xul
Overlay file : Merge my extension's UI into Firefox
<?xml version="1.0"?> <?xml-stylesheet href="chrome://global/skin/" type"text/css"?> <page id="mySidebar" title="My Sidebar" xmlns=""> <vbox flex="1"> <label id="caption" value="Hello, welcome to my sidebar" /> <!-- put more content or controls here --> </vbox> </page>
Slide 3
Simple Visual