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Pr Feature Theme/Goal Stage Release target Product manager
P1 Per-Site Third-Party Cookie Setting Tracking Control Landed Firefox 18 `
P1 Shortened HTTP Referer header Tracking Control Development ` Sid Stamm
P1 Multiple Cookie Jars Contextual Identity Draft ` Sid Stamm
P1 Cookie tagging Contextual Identity Development ` Sid Stamm
P1 Tracking Map Tracking Control On hold TBD - Not dependent on train schedule Sid Stamm
P1 Block content-window script from accessing Components.* Advancing Anonymity Draft ` Sid Stamm
P1 Opt-back-in-from-DNT capability Tracking Control Draft ` Sid Stamm
P1 Site-based data management UI Enhance User Controlled Disclosure Shipped Firefox 6 Asa Dotzler
P1 Limit CSS3 resolution and window.screen info to render window size Advancing Anonymity Draft ` Sid Stamm
P2 Improve transparency of authentication state so users know when they're sending credentials to sites (and which ones) ` Draft ` Sid Stamm
P2 Make DNT signal accessible from the navigator global object Enable Control of Tracking and Third-Party Sharing Complete Firefox 9 Sid Stamm
P2 Provide mechanisms to clear cert store and STS Advancing Anonymity Draft ` Sid Stamm
P2 Geolocation: Disable automated discovery Enable Control of Tracking and Third-Party Sharing Shelved ` `
P2 Deploy an API for sites to trigger second-factor authentication ` Draft ` Sid Stamm
P2 Incorporate fingerprint-minimizing features into private browsing ` Draft ` Sid Stamm
P2 Improve the geolocation UX so it's better connected to the user ` Definition ` Sid Stamm
P2 Make DNT documentation and pref accessible from first-run page ` Draft ` Sid Stamm
P2 Migrate as many add-ons as possible to a capabilities manifest system as proposed for Jetpack Enrich Add-ons Shelved ` Sid Stamm
P2 Improve Site identity button to show more about how you've interacted with a site in the past Contextual Identity Draft ` Sid Stamm
P2 "Tracking alert" to inform users when an entity is tracking them across sites Tracking Control Draft ` Sid Stamm
P2 Improve the UX on master password so that it is comfortable to be used by default Contextual Identity Draft ` Sid Stamm
P2 Require master password when using Sync to protect locally stored passwords Contextual Identity Draft ` Sid Stamm
P2 Key cookies on setting domain * toplevel load domain Advancing Anonymity Development ` Sid Stamm
P2 Create API so sites can request third-party cookies Cookie Control Draft ` Sid Stamm
P2 Per-window Private Browsing Contextual Identity Landed Firefox 20 Sid Stamm
P2 Create unified API for sites to request additional potentially privacy-sensitive features ` Draft ` Sid Stamm
P3 Plugin awareness of users privacy prefs Contextual Identity Draft ` Sid Stamm
P3 enable memory-only permissions manager and site-specific prefs Advancing Anonymity Draft ` Sid Stamm
P3 Find a way to visualize and present to users the way a site interacts with other entities Tracking Control Draft ` Sid Stamm
P3 Geolocation: Let the user pick where they are or lie using a map or other UI Contextual Identity Draft ` Sid Stamm
P3 Provide about:config pref to limit number of fonts loaded per tab Advancing Anonymity Definition ` Sid Stamm
P3 Make local disk privacy optional in Private Browsing Mode Advancing Anonymity Draft ` Sid Stamm
P3 Use privacy icons or similar to show what privacy policy add-ons have ` Definition ` Sid Stamm
P3 mozCipherAddressbookAPI ` Planning ` Chris Blizzard
P3 In-flight as-it-happens control of disclosure Tracking Control Definition ` Sid Stamm
P3 Expose local font loading control to XPCOM/observers Advancing Anonymity Draft ` Sid Stamm