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Create an easy interface for users to aggregate their favorite addons and publish their favorites on AMO.


  • Decide on a XML structure. What should it include :
    • Title
    • Name
    • Description of list (eg. Cesar's web developer extension list)
    • List of addons
      • Addon name, description, url, preview image, icon image, etc.
  • Create a page that parses a valid and well-formed XML document and outputs the addon's information.
    • The page should be similar to a addon's search
    • Buttons to Include in install
  • Create a page that creates a valid and well-formed XML document based on :
    • url - we can use the API service if the addon is hosted on AMO
      • If not, some fields will have to be entered manually, such as description.
    • xpi upload?
    •  ?


Original document