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How to use this template

If you don't use a particular service, or don't want it public, then just leave the field blank after the '=' sign.


|personal-name=       Your personal name, sometimes called your 'first' name
|family-name=             Your family name, eg. 'Smith'
|image=                         If you have uploaded a picture of yourself, the file name
|city=                              The nearest major town or city to where you live
|country=                      The name of the country you live in
|region=                        at present may be EMEA, LATAM, NA, or APAC
|work-area=            What you are working on within Mozilla
|work-title=           If you have a job title, what is it?
|bugzillamail=         the email address you use for bugzilla.mozilla.org
|mozillian-id=         your mozillians.org identity
|Reps-id=              Your reps profile if you are a rep
|mozmail=              the email address you prefer for mozilla-related email
|pmail=                the email address you prefer for personal email
|gpg=                  your gpg key
|website=              the address of your website or homepage. Include the protocol (eg 'http://mysite.com')
|twitter=              your twitter handle
|identica=             your identi.ca handle
|jabber=               your jabber handle
|linkedin=             your LinkedIn entry
|github=               your GitHub handle
|ircnick=              your IRC nick on moznet
|ircchannels=          which channels are you usually in on moznet?
|background=           anything you'd like to add about your background
|events=               any upcoming or recent Mozilla events you've attended or talked at