Talkilla/Status Meetings/2013-11-05
From MozillaWiki
< Talkilla | Status Meetings
- BYOS progressing with clarifying install/log in methods
- Instant share - looking at how we're using it and creating it
Goals & Roadmap Priorities
- Deliver a comprehensive and fully functional BYOS demo.
- One-off estimation of card?
- Build out the Talkilla platform into a stable, scalable and extensible platform, offering voice/video calls, InstantShare, chat, web content and file sharing in Firefox Desktop. Stretch: Build PSTN breakout.
- Define Talkilla vision and plan for other Firefox products (Firefox Android and Firefox OS) and other WebRTC browsers.
- Build communications and distribution channels to engage on the Talkilla value proposition, and ...find a decent name
- Process for taking list of names & finalising one has started
- Enabling of Multiple Social Providers
- Still having issues getting patch landed, hopefully getting landed tomorrow
- (long-term) Headless Social Providers
- JSON crash when using real sub-workers vs. 25/27 interop issues
- Still making progress
- AddressBook: Google OAuth2 integration
- Way forward
- Import google contacts into db
- Way forward
- Other meet-ups in Q4:
- Arrange small hack meetings during the quarter
- WebRTC Santa Clara (Nov 19th-21st)
- We have 3/4 speaking slots during the show
Any other issues/discussions
There were some general discussion on if SPAs should be reviewed or not, with further discussion about SPAs necessary.