TPE TelephonyPlatform team/2014-11-04

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Team's updates

<Read Only>

  • 2.2 release
    • Important dates
      • Kick-off: 2014-11-24
      • Feature Landing to Readiness:
      • Feature Landing: 2015-02-23 (Gecko 38 will be the base)
      • Feature Complete: 2015-04-06
      • Code Complete: 2015-05-18
  • 2.2 Goals - internal interfaces cleanup & freezing
    1. bug 1058398 - [meta][B2G][Telephony] streamline sendMMI(), cancelMMI() and dial() (P1)
    2. bug 1047203 - [meta][B2G][Telephony] v2.2 P1 items - define valid values and strict data types in idl interfaces (P1)
      • bug 1047196 - [B2G] consider not use "jsval" in interfaces, like nsIMobileConnectionCallback.idl (P1) landed
    3. bug 1079723 - [meta][B2G][Telephony] v2.2 P1 items - create Proxy to communicate b/w telephony modules and rest of gecko (P1)
      • bug 1072808 - [meta][B2G] introduce new interfaces as proxy between Telephony modules and SystemMessage service (P1)
      • bug 1072868 - [B2G][Telephony] introduce a new interface as proxy between telephony modules and AudioManager (P1)
    4. bug 1000485 - Streamline nsITelephonyService API (P2)
    5. bug 815526 - [meta] B2G RIL: deprecate RILContentHelper (P2)
  • Blocker priority?
  • Bugzilla information improvement?

Team memebers' updates


  • Done:
    1. bug 978639 - [Sora][Call][MPTY][GCF] GCF case : Terminate the entire MultiParty call failed
      • uplift to 2.1, 2.0m
    2. bug 1059649 - [tarako/dolphin]After we hangup any one of the two calls in a group call, we'll never success to merge conference call again
      • uplift to 2.0m
    3. bug 1090776 - [ril_worker] setCallWaiting error causes DataCloneError
  • Target:
    1. bug 1091551 - Telephony marionette tests fails in test_audiomanager_phonestate.js and test_incomingcall_phonestate_speaker.js (r?)
    2. bug 1080883 - Telephony.dial returning a Promise that resolves to a DOMRequest makes no sense (r?)
  • Pending:
    1. bug 1072868 - [B2G][Telephony] introduce a new interface as proxy between telephony modules and AudioManager
    2. bug 1088690 - TelephonyService.js this._currentCalls[aClientId][aCall.callIndex] is undefined when User hangs up a call
  • Analysis:
    1. bug 1088567 - CLIR activation doesnt work properly with some SIM cards.
  • Review:
    1. bug 986308 - [B2G][STK] support call number modified by STK call control
    2. bug 1089534 - [B2G][Telephony] should GetCallFromEverywhere in Telephony::NotifyError
    3. bug 1091528 - [B2G][RIL] when receiving 'rilRequestType: 12', Error: Don't know about this message type: undefined" {file: "jar:file:///system/b2g/omni.ja!/components/RadioInterfaceL ayer.js" line: 1961}]
    4. bug 1091981 - Assertion about not using canonical interface pointer due to downcasting


  • Ongoing
    • bug 1077075 - Augment telephony API to notify client code of errors when attempting hold(), resume(), etc.
      • Change the return types declared in the WebIDL (done)
      • Implement a dummy DOM (done)
      • Modify the related Testcases (ongoing)


  • Done
    • bug 1088573 - [STK] Failed to Decode Display Text when the Lengh of GSM-7bit-Packed String is 239 Bytes. (landed)
  • Ongoing
    • bug 1072808 - [meta][B2G] introduce new interfaces as proxy between Telephony modules and SystemMessage service. (r?)
  • Clarifying
    • bug 1091439 - [FFOS2.0][Woodduck][Message][GCF][SMS]The case 34.2.3 failed. (2.0m?)
      • SMS ACK shall be done by modem for Class 2 SMS.
    • bug 1091494 - [MGSEI][Flame][v2.1][Message]"Delivery reports" function does not work. (ni?)
      • Not reproducible locally. NI the log to see if we can reproduce it with same raw data in emulator.
    • bug 1091960 - Gaia incorrectly checking for CMAS alerts settings (ni?)
      • Behavior of Presidential Level CMAS Alert to be clarified.
      • CDMA CMAS is not in our scope yet.
    • bug 1092396 - [tako][v2.1] Cannot download MMS images sent to device (ni?)


    • bug 1090823 - [FFOS2.0][Woodduck][Protocol-SMS03018]This protocol test case will auto fail when SS send CP DATA to MS.
      • The test SMS PDU is malformed.
    • bug 1090841 - [woodduck][SMS] MS can not receive any sms when SS send concatenated SMS but TP-OA changed.
      • It's by design for presentation of incomplete SMS.
  • Pending
    • bug 1091454 - [B2G][STK] Icon Display for SET_UP_CALL and LAUNCH_BROWSER is not supported properly.
    • bug 1083003 - [B2G][SMS] Provide getThread(id) API to return the thread object with the specified thread id.
    • bug 1044721 - [B2G][SMS] Provide an API to modify the SMSC address of the inserted UICC
    • bug 1043250 - Invalid SMSC exposed in Settings



  • bug 1052825 - Use enums for lockType in MozIcc.webidl and nsIIccProvider.idl
    • Clean up the usage of lockType:
      • bug 1083745 - [Icc] Remove the redundant information carried in request result of {set|get|unlock}CardLock API. (Landed)
      • bug 1085307 - [Icc] Deprecate IccCardLockError.lockType. (Landed)
    • Test cases:
      • bug 1084233 - Add marionette test for icc.unlockCardLock and icc.getCardLock. (Pending)
        • Wait marionette-webapi unhide.
      • bug 1083650 - [B2G][Emulator] Support facility lock. (Pending)
        • Wait marionette-webapi unhide.
  • bug 1092013 - is reset to `null` unexpectedly in MobileConnectionService. (Review+)

Tracking & debugging

  • bug 1090769 - [STK]The phone can not setup 2 calls by STK command normally. (needInfo?)
  • bug 1091483 - Unable to show stk dialog (e.g. user confirmation dialog) when foreground app is Callscreen
  • bug 1084023 - SIM randomly gets permanently stuck in "unknown" state, survives reboots
    • Device was initialized in CDMA mode, then sending radio tech changed event to gsm mode.
  • bug 1092941 - mozSettings leaves orphan lock when running mnw tests. (feedback?)
    • WIP patch.

Review & feedback

  • bug 1052836 - Use enums for preferred network type in nsIMobileConnectionProvider.idl
  • bug 1088504 - [woodduck] B2G RIL: ONS (Operator Name String) support
  • bug 1088573 - [STK] Failed to Decode Display Text when the Lengh of GSM-7bit-Packed String is 239 Bytes.
  • bug 1091429 - B2G RIL: Correct UCS2 handling for EFPNN.


  • bug 1087847 - mozIccManager reports 0 SIMs, but mozMobileConnection does
    • Try to reproduce this with marionette test.
  • Marionette OOP test, bug 926277 - [meta] Add test cases running in OOP mode for RIL APIs:
    • bug 1075437 - Support running marionette test script in both OOP and non-OOP mode
      • Reviewer has some suggestion.
    • bug 1079880 - [Cellbroadcast] Add test cases running in OOP mode
      • WIP patch.
    • setRadioEnabled(false) in OOP mode.
  • bug 931670 - If the voice and data can not concurrent existed, we should change data connection state to "SUSPEND" during voice call
  • bug 977474 - B2G: [NetworkOption] Combine the prefixLength, prefix and maskLength into one. (Review+)
    • Rebase
  • bug 1054148 - Clean up MOZ_B2G_RIL in NetworkManager.
    • Working branch


Target.(Bug Number, Summay, Stauts, Estimated date)

  1. bug 1089534 - [B2G][Telephony] should GetCallFromEverywhere in Telephony::NotifyError landed
    • bug 977056 - [Dialer] Visual discrepancies: Call ended view under conference call participants list
  2. bug 1089447 - [FFOS2.0][Woodduck][STK]The call should handle as emergency call after changed to "112" by call control landed
  3. bug 1091528 - [B2G][RIL] when receiving 'rilRequestType: 12', Error: Don't know about this message type: undefined" {file: "jar:file:///system/b2g/omni.ja!/components/RadioInterfaceL ayer.js" line: 1961}] landed
  4. bug 1058305 - [B2G][RIL] define data apn types in nsIRadioInterface.idl

Tracking & Debugging & Clarifying

  1. {{Bug 1077190 - [Dialer] Can't hear a new caller when original caller is on hold

Review & Feedback

  1. bug 1090776 - [ril_worker] setCallWaiting error causes DataCloneError 2.0m
  2. bug 978639 - [Sora][Call][MPTY][GCF] GCF case : Terminate the entire MultiParty call failed
  3. bug 1052836 - Use enums for preferred network type in
  4. bug 1085307 - [Icc] Deprecate IccCardLockError.lockType



  • Ongoing and Done:
    1. bug 1052836 - Use enums for preferred network type in nsIMobileConnectionProvider.idl (landed)
    2. bug 1071469 - don't use 'jsval' in nsITelephonyService.idl (ongoing)
      • r+ed by DOM peer with some comments.
    3. bug 1090133 - [FFOS2.0][Woodduck][wap]Cannot enable data connection when switch the data to another sim card (ongoing)
      • from the logs, we have set the data registration correctly, need partner/modem's help.
    4. bug 1092941 - mozSettings leaves orphan lock when running mnw tests (new)
      • lock not finalized properly on 'child-process-shutdown', Edgar has uploaded a patch to fix this.
  • Target:
    1. bug 1052848 - Use enums for MobileRoamingMode in nsIMobileConnectionProvider.idl
  • Pending:
    1. bug 997654 - B2G RIL: let each network handle its own host routes
    2. bug 973543 - B2G RIL: host routes removed unexpectedly when data call is shared
    3. bug 1017470 - B2G RIL: reconnect data call only if necessary when apns are updated
      • should we use a queue? should we wait after NetworkManager enhancement is done?
    4. bug 1039938 - [OPEN II_1.3] Data connection couldn't be established when handover from GSM to UTRAN
      • waiting for Vance's confirmation.
  • Reviews/Feedbacks/Others:

Wesley (EPM)

  • Inviting COMMS team for Portland ww: positive. Emulator topic will have more people (from dialer and sms) join.
  • 2.2 development device undetermined (please wait a bit).