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The HTML <track> element is used as a child of the media elements—<audio> and <video>. It lets you specify timed text tracks (or time-based data), for example to automatically handle subtitles. The tracks are formatted in WebVTT format (.vtt files) — Web Video Text Tracks.

The type of data that track adds to the media is set in the kind attribute, which can take values of subtitles, captions, descriptions, chapters or metadata. The element points to a source file containing timed text that the browser exposes when the user requests additional data.

A media element cannot have more than one track with the same kind, srclang, and label.

Current status

  • subtitles: supported
  • captions: supported
  • descriptions: not supported
    • To support descriptions, we need to integrate "text to voice" backend such as WebSpeech.
  • chapters: not supported


Taipei Main Members

Engineers: Benjamin, Alastor

Cross Team Work


[Stage 1] <We are here - Target milestone: 2016 Q3>

  • Finish what we think important.
  • Add enough telemetry to know how users use it.

[Stage 2] <Target milestone: TBD in 2016 Q4)

Project Dashboard

Meta Bugs

Full Query
ID Summary Priority Status
629350 [meta] Tracking bug for WebVTT implementation P2 NEW
1277179 [webvtt][meta] Enable webvtt web-platform tests. P3 NEW

2 Total; 2 Open (100%); 0 Resolved (0%); 0 Verified (0%);

Ship Bugs (Stage 1)

Full Query
ID Summary Status Target milestone Resolution Assigned to Depends on Blocks Priority
863488 [webvtt] captions do not display unless play() is called RESOLVED --- WORKSFORME Benjamin Chen [:bechen] 833382, 833385 629350 --
871747 [webvtt] should HTMLTrackElement load resources outside a document? RESOLVED mozilla50 FIXED Benjamin Chen [:bechen] 833382, 833385, 1356558, 1362924 629350, 1278151, 1281406 --
882718 [webvtt] Implement the 'time marches on' algorithm VERIFIED --- FIXED Benjamin Chen [:bechen] 882713, 996331, 996333, 1033144, 1280814, 1294142, 1310162 629350, 1131952, 1274885, 778077, 882669, 882717, 952130, 985915, 1274884, 1275808 P2
981691 [webvtt] Honor user preferences for TextTrack selection based on selected language NEW --- Alastor Wu [:alwu] 629350 P3
992664 Ensure <track> captions are visible for audio-only files in <video> RESOLVED --- WORKSFORME Alastor Wu [:alwu] 629350, 887463, 985977 --
1010707 [WebVTT] hang with VTTCue and canvas RESOLVED mozilla49 FIXED Alastor Wu [:alwu] 629350, 379903, 855851 P2
1016925 [webvtt] enable test "webvtt-api-for-browsers/vttcue-interface/align.html" RESOLVED mozilla50 FIXED Alastor Wu [:alwu] 1277179 --
1206304 Created text tracks don't appear in the textTracks list RESOLVED --- DUPLICATE Benjamin Chen [:bechen] 629350, 1131952 P2
1242594 textTracks lost when video removed from DOM RESOLVED mozilla49 FIXED Benjamin Chen [:bechen] 629350 P2
1242599 textTracks are not added when track element appended to video RESOLVED mozilla50 FIXED Benjamin Chen [:bechen] 1284601 629350 P2
1274884 [webvtt] Remove/add cues which when the TextTrack::mMode is changed. RESOLVED mozilla50 FIXED Benjamin Chen [:bechen] 882718, 1275808 629350 P2
1275492 [webvtt] Add logs for TextTrackManager/TextTrack* . RESOLVED mozilla51 FIXED Benjamin Chen [:bechen] 629350 P5
1275808 [webvtt] Merge the TextTrackManager::TimeMarchesOn() and UpdateCueDisplay() function RESOLVED mozilla50 FIXED Benjamin Chen [:bechen] 882718 629350, 882717, 1274884 P2
1276129 [webvtt] Use PositionAlignSetting type for VTTCue's positionAlign RESOLVED mozilla49 FIXED Alastor Wu [:alwu] 629350 P2
1276130 [webvtt] Correct the enum value for VTTCue's AlignSetting RESOLVED mozilla50 FIXED Alastor Wu [:alwu] 629350 P2
1276830 [webvtt] Use LineAlignSetting for VTTCue's lineAlign RESOLVED mozilla49 FIXED Alastor Wu [:alwu] 629350 --
1276831 [webvtt] Let VTTCue's position return double or AutoKeyword RESOLVED mozilla50 FIXED Alastor Wu [:alwu] 629350 --
1276832 [webvtt] VTTCue's line should be auto or double RESOLVED mozilla50 FIXED Alastor Wu [:alwu] 629350 --
1276833 [webvtt] Size should return double RESOLVED mozilla50 FIXED Alastor Wu [:alwu] 629350 --
1277179 [webvtt][meta] Enable webvtt web-platform tests. NEW --- Alastor Wu [:alwu] 1345076, 1534904, 1540064, 1546133, 1565737, 1843917, 1016925, 1277191, 1277192, 1278151, 1278478, 1278748, 1279865, 1280373, 1281130, 1281406, 1281418, 1307710, 1320276, 1326172, 1344604, 1347829, 1348181, 1353689, 1534888, 1536319, 1536762, 1545587, 1546128, 1548731, 1548935, 1549628, 1549642, 1550308, 1550633, 1553046, 1553678, 1553692, 1555090, 1555091, 1555197, 1555794, 1555825, 1555849, 1556079, 1556087, 1556581, 1557182, 1557185, 1557412, 1557548, 1622364 629350, 1563334 P3
1277191 [webvtt] fix html/semantics/embedded-content/media-elements/interfaces/TextTrack/cues.html RESOLVED --- DUPLICATE Benjamin Chen [:bechen] 1277179 --
1277192 [webvtt] fix html/semantics/embedded-content/media-elements/interfaces/TextTrack/addCue.html RESOLVED mozilla50 FIXED Benjamin Chen [:bechen] 1277179 P2
1277437 [webvtt] Process cue and apply related CSS attributes on the div element RESOLVED mozilla67 FIXED Alastor Wu [:alwu] 629350, 1305732, 1353689, 1488673 P2
1278151 [webvtt] fix html/semantics/embedded-content/media-elements/interfaces/TextTrack/cues.html RESOLVED --- DUPLICATE Benjamin Chen [:bechen] 871747, 882717 1277179 P3
1278164 [webvtt] Empty Cue's display state when its active flag is unset RESOLVED mozilla50 FIXED Alastor Wu [:alwu] 629350 --
1278478 [webvtt] Fix the fail for "web-platform/tests/webvtt/webvtt-api-for-browsers/vttcue-interface/vertical.html" RESOLVED mozilla50 FIXED Alastor Wu [:alwu] 1277179 --
1278748 [webvtt] Fix the fail for "webvtt/webvtt-file-format-parsing/webvtt-file-parsing/001.html" RESOLVED mozilla50 FIXED Alastor Wu [:alwu] 1283803 1277179 P3
1279865 [webvtt] fix html/semantics/embedded-content/media-elements/interfaces/TextTrack/activeCues.html RESOLVED mozilla50 FIXED Benjamin Chen [:bechen] 1277179 P2
1280373 [webvtt] fix html/semantics/embedded-content/media-elements/interfaces/TextTrack/label.html RESOLVED mozilla50 FIXED Benjamin Chen [:bechen] 1277179 P2
1280644 [webvtt] Add the Telemetry for webvtt RESOLVED mozilla50 FIXED Alastor Wu [:alwu] 629350 P3
1281130 [webvtt] fix html/semantics/embedded-content/media-elements/interfaces/TextTrackCue/track.html RESOLVED --- DUPLICATE Benjamin Chen [:bechen] 1277179 P2
1281406 [webvtt] fix html/semantics/embedded-content/media-elements/interfaces/TextTrackList/length.html RESOLVED --- DUPLICATE Benjamin Chen [:bechen] 871747 1277179 P3
1281418 [webvtt] Implement HTMLTrackElement src attribute. RESOLVED mozilla50 FIXED Benjamin Chen [:bechen] 1429550 629350, 1277179, 1523224 P3
1283417 [webvtt] the cue doesn't be rendered immediately when its attributes changes RESOLVED mozilla51 FIXED Alastor Wu [:alwu] 1281999 629350, 1327061 P3
1283803 [webvtt] Modify the webvtt parsing algorithm for header and cue identifier RESOLVED mozilla50 FIXED Alastor Wu [:alwu] 629350, 1278748 P3
1285897 [webvtt] make cuechange event asynchronous. RESOLVED mozilla50 FIXED Benjamin Chen [:bechen] 629350 P3
1286497 [webvtt] in-band text for webm. RESOLVED --- DUPLICATE Benjamin Chen [:bechen] 629350, 882675 P5
1286751 [webvtt] memory leak in webvtt. RESOLVED mozilla51 FIXED Benjamin Chen [:bechen] 1295097 629350 P1
1305732 [webvtt] cue box should be restricted placing inside the video rendering area VERIFIED mozilla70 FIXED Alastor Wu [:alwu] 1277437, 1488673 629350 P2
1307710 [webvtt] fix getCueAsHTML.html RESOLVED mozilla54 FIXED Benjamin Chen [:bechen] 629350, 1277179, 1186742, 1344604 P3
1320276 [webvtt] Fix web-platform-tests/webvtt/webvtt-api-for-browsers/vttcue-interface/line.html RESOLVED mozilla53 FIXED Alastor Wu [:alwu] 1277179 --
1334112 <video autoplay> sometimes starts playing before text tracks are ready RESOLVED mozilla54 FIXED Benjamin Chen [:bechen] 629350 P1
1338030 [webvtt] implement the region functionality. RESOLVED mozilla58 FIXED Benjamin Chen [:bechen] 1409983, 1412180 629350, 1338031, 1416143, 1294833, 1415805, 1415821 P3
1344604 [webvtt] fix webvtt-file-format-parsing/webvtt-cue-text-parsing-rules/tests/tags.html RESOLVED mozilla55 FIXED Benjamin Chen [:bechen] 1307710 1277179 --
1347829 [webvtt] fix webvtt-file-format-parsing/webvtt-cue-text-parsing-rules/tests/timestamps.html RESOLVED mozilla55 FIXED Benjamin Chen [:bechen] 1277179 P3
1353689 [webvtt] fix/enable wpt for ::cue. RESOLVED mozilla55 FIXED Benjamin Chen [:bechen] 1277437, 1318542, 1326217, 1332564, 1359154 1277179 P3
1453774 [webvtt] Degradation between versions regarding Webvtt Styling (::cue) RESOLVED --- INACTIVE Alastor Wu [:alwu] 629350, 1415805 P3
1464012 [webvtt] Video element does not load subtitles track if initialized with preload attribute set to none RESOLVED mozilla69 FIXED Alastor Wu [:alwu] 629350, 1313711, 1562353 P3
1488673 [webvtt] HTML5 Video track/subtitles do not scale when using css transform scale on parent elements RESOLVED mozilla68 FIXED Alastor Wu [:alwu] 1277437 629350, 1534904, 1305732, 1534888 P2
1509446 [webvtt] cue should be removed from video's rendering area after it has been removed from text track RESOLVED mozilla67 FIXED Alastor Wu [:alwu] 629350 P2
1527688 [webvtt] do not show caption button when there is no rendering area RESOLVED mozilla67 FIXED Alastor Wu [:alwu] 629350 P1
1528420 [webvtt] Cue's positionAlign should be `auto` by default RESOLVED mozilla67 FIXED Alastor Wu [:alwu] 629350 P2
1531863 Implement the `show-poster-flag` for HTMLMediaElement RESOLVED mozilla67 FIXED Alastor Wu [:alwu] 629350 P2
1534862 [webvtt][meta] increase testing coverage for webvtt rendering wpts RESOLVED --- DUPLICATE Alastor Wu [:alwu] 629350 P2
1534888 [webvtt] Enable wpt '2_cues_overlapping_completely_move_up.html' and '2_cues_overlapping_partially_move_up.html' RESOLVED mozilla69 FIXED Alastor Wu [:alwu] 1488673, 1555849, 1556581 629350, 1277179 P2
1534904 [webvtt] Enable '2_cues_overlapping_partially_move_down.html' NEW --- Alastor Wu [:alwu] 1488673 629350, 1277179 P2
1535005 [webvtt] html5 video captions doesn't disappear after seeking back to a position with an other caption VERIFIED mozilla68 FIXED Alastor Wu [:alwu] 629350 P2
1535223 [webvtt] Enhance the WebVTT log RESOLVED mozilla67 FIXED Alastor Wu [:alwu] 629350 P2
1536319 [webvtt] disable some WebVTT wpt tests with high intermittent fail rates RESOLVED mozilla68 FIXED Alastor Wu [:alwu] 1277179, 1538003 --
1536762 [webvtt] use actual cue box height as a step to adjust cue's position RESOLVED mozilla68 FIXED Alastor Wu [:alwu] 1544661 629350, 1277179 P2
1541452 [webvtt] Cue doesn't show in correct position, when window resizes and an explicit CSS 'width' applied on video in percentage VERIFIED mozilla69 FIXED Alastor Wu [:alwu] 629350 P2
1544455 [webvtt] cue class spans get rendered as block elements instead of inline elements VERIFIED mozilla70 FIXED Alastor Wu [:alwu] 629350 P2
1545587 [webvtt] video render a unexpected black frame on Android RESOLVED --- DUPLICATE Alastor Wu [:alwu] 629350, 1277179 P2
1548731 [webvtt] support `cuechange` event RESOLVED mozilla68 FIXED Alastor Wu [:alwu] 629350, 1277179 P2
1548923 [webvtt] update cue display immediately after adding or removing cue RESOLVED mozilla68 FIXED Alastor Wu [:alwu] 629350 P2
1548935 [webvtt] Enable wpt "html/semantics/embedded-content/media-elements/track/track-element/track-add-remove-cue.html" RESOLVED mozilla68 FIXED Alastor Wu [:alwu] 1277179 P2
1549628 [webvtt] Enable wpt "html/semantics/embedded-content/media-elements/track/track-element/track-add-track.html" RESOLVED mozilla68 FIXED Alastor Wu [:alwu] 1277179 P2
1549642 [webvtt] Enable wpt "testing/web-platform/tests/html/semantics/embedded-content/media-elements/track/track-element/track-cue-negative-duration.html"" RESOLVED mozilla68 FIXED Alastor Wu [:alwu] 1277179 P2
1550308 [webvtt] remove empty wpt ini files RESOLVED mozilla68 FIXED Alastor Wu [:alwu] 1277179 P3
1550633 [webvtt] HTMLTrackElement should not load resource when its text track is disable RESOLVED mozilla69 FIXED Alastor Wu [:alwu] 629350, 1277179 P2
1551045 [webvtt] add debug log in `vtt.jsm` RESOLVED mozilla68 FIXED Alastor Wu [:alwu] 629350, 1555836 P3
1551385 [webvtt] cue display wasn't updated correctly when there are multiple cues with overlapping timestamp VERIFIED mozilla69 FIXED Alastor Wu [:alwu] 629350 P2
1552081 sometime we should only run 'TimeMarchesOn' when media element's show poster flag is false RESOLVED mozilla68 FIXED Alastor Wu [:alwu] 629350 P2
1553678 [webvtt] Enable wpt 'track-active-cues.html'. RESOLVED mozilla69 FIXED Alastor Wu [:alwu] 1277179 P2
1553692 [webvtt] enable wpt 'track-text-track-cue-list.html' RESOLVED mozilla69 FIXED Alastor Wu [:alwu] 1277179 P2
1555090 [webvtt] remove 'max-asserts' for wpt 'addCue.html' and 'constructor.html'. RESOLVED mozilla69 FIXED Alastor Wu [:alwu] 1277179 P3
1555091 [webvtt] enable wpt 'kind.html' on Linux RESOLVED mozilla69 FIXED Alastor Wu [:alwu] 1277179 P3
1555197 [webvtt] reuse cues' display state when the amount of displaying cue changes RESOLVED mozilla69 FIXED Alastor Wu [:alwu] 629350, 1277179 P2
1555794 [webvtt] remove useless 'ini' file 'track-remove-track.html.ini' RESOLVED mozilla69 FIXED Alastor Wu [:alwu] 1277179 P3
1555825 [webvtt] enable wpt 'track-cue-empty.html'. RESOLVED mozilla69 FIXED Alastor Wu [:alwu] 629350, 1277179 P3
1555836 [webvtt] use the pref to dynamically switch vtt debug log RESOLVED mozilla69 FIXED Alastor Wu [:alwu] 1551045 629350 P2
1555849 [webvtt] use `computeLine` to adjust cue's position when `snap-to-lines` is false RESOLVED mozilla69 FIXED Alastor Wu [:alwu] 629350, 1277179, 1534888 P2
1556079 [webvtt] enable wpt 'cue_too_long.html'. RESOLVED mozilla69 FIXED Alastor Wu [:alwu] 1277179, 1557185 P3
1556087 [webvtt] enable vtt alignment related wpts RESOLVED mozilla69 FIXED Alastor Wu [:alwu] 1277179 P3
1556581 [webvtt] change cue's root div element to a pseudo element RESOLVED --- WONTFIX Alastor Wu [:alwu] 629350, 1277179, 1534888 P2
1557182 [webvtt] enable wpt '2_tracks.html' and '3_tracks.html' RESOLVED mozilla69 FIXED Alastor Wu [:alwu] 1277179 P3
1557185 [webvtt] enable wpt 'too_many_cues.html'. RESOLVED mozilla69 FIXED Alastor Wu [:alwu] 1556079 1277179 P3
1557412 [webvtt] enable several wpts which are actually able to pass RESOLVED mozilla69 FIXED Alastor Wu [:alwu] 1277179 P3
1557548 [webvtt] enable wpt 'navigate_cue_position.html' RESOLVED mozilla69 FIXED Alastor Wu [:alwu] 1277179 P3
1557882 [webvtt] the cue text with different base direction should align to different side of the cue box RESOLVED mozilla69 FIXED Alastor Wu [:alwu] 1558431 629350 P2
1562021 [webvtt] cues are incorrectly displayed twice RESOLVED mozilla69 FIXED Alastor Wu [:alwu] 629350 P2
1562353 [webvtt] Add a test to ensure that media element can't access CORS vtt file if server doesn't response to CORS header RESOLVED mozilla69 FIXED Alastor Wu [:alwu] 1464012 629350 P3
1565737 [webvtt] enable wpt regions-lines.html NEW --- Alastor Wu [:alwu] 1277179 P3
1580015 [webvtt] Video with min-width AND captions locks up browser tab VERIFIED mozilla71 FIXED Alastor Wu [:alwu] 629350 P2
1636572 [webvtt] The testcase fails if we allow sending onStartRequest via pHttpBackgroundChannel NEW --- Alastor Wu [:alwu] 629350, 1633935 P3
1675326 Put all webvtt related codes and tests to `dom/media/webvtt` RESOLVED 84 Branch FIXED Alastor Wu [:alwu] 629350, 1674844 P3
1675386 Miss `bad.vtt` file NEW --- Alastor Wu [:alwu] 629350 P5
1703444 [webvtt] NOTE as subtitle in Firefox 87.0 RESOLVED 89 Branch FIXED Alastor Wu [:alwu] 629350 P3
1757124 Crash [@ mozilla::dom::TextTrackCue::TextTrackCue] NEW --- Alastor Wu [:alwu] 629350, 1340565 P3

99 Total; 7 Open (7.07%); 85 Resolved (85.86%); 7 Verified (7.07%);