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Firefox 130 release information


The following information is intended for members of the Mozilla Support community for the purpose of supporting users in the Mozilla Support platform. Mozilla Support is a community of enthusiastic volunteers and employees trying to support Mozilla's users around the globe. You can join us by contributing through the following ways:

Release notes

Bug boards

Dot releases

Platform Version Release date Notable fixes Unresolved
Firefox Desktop 130.0.1 August 13, 2024 bugxxxxx, bugxxxxx, bugxxxxx -
Firefox & Focus for Android 130.0.1 August 13, 2024 Various stability fixes -
Firefox & Focus for iOS 130.1 August 13, 2024 Various stability fixes -

Contributor discussions

Please refer to the following contributor forum threads to learn more about known issues and discuss with other contributors:

You can also join our Matrix channel to ask questions/join community discussion.

Stay updated

Apart from sharing release information, there are other ways to stay updated with product release and community updates:

  • Community call: We run a monthly community call (usually a week before Firefox release date). Check our schedule here and don't hesitate to join the call in person if you can!
  • Firefox pod meeting: If you’re an NDA’d contributor, you can watch the recording of our Firefox Pod Meeting from AirMozilla to catch up with the latest train release. You can also subscribe to the AirMozilla folder by clicking on the Subscribe button in the top-right corner of the page to get notifications each time we add a new recording.
  • Newsletter: Consider subscribing to Firefox Daily Digest to get daily updates (Mon-Fri) about Firefox from across the internet.
Content in this page is being updated periodically as we're rolling out the release.

What's new in Firefox 129

Firefox Desktop

Feature name
Description: Feature description
Content request: Content request bugzilla
KB article: Article link Article updated/created
Feature name
Description: Feature description
Content request: Content request bugzilla
KB articles: Article link KB updated
Article link
Article link
Feature name
Description: Feature description
Content request: Content request bugzilla
KB articles: Article link KB updated
Article link

Firefox for Android

Feature name
Description: Feature description
Content request: Content request bugzilla
KB article: Article link Article updated/created

Firefox for iOS

Feature name
Description: Feature description
Content request: Content request bugzilla
KB article: Article link Article updated/created

Known studies/experiments

Platform Studies/experiments Description Feedback collection
Firefox desktop - -



Known issue(s)/Trending topic(s)

Platform Issue Known bug/Related discussions Fix/workaround
Desktop - - -
Android - - -
iOS - - -

Known incident(s)

Incident name
Description: Incident description
Status: Ongoing/resolved?
Product(s) impacted: Firefox Desktop/Android/iOS
Associated bug: -
