Support/Kitsune/LiveChat Roadmap
From MozillaWiki
Roadmap for Live Chat
Requirements: Support/Live Chat/Requirements
- [in progress] Phase 0 - Backend Architecture
- Choose a python implementation for socketio: Gevent-socketio vs Tornadio
- Create a simple proof of concept using Tornadio (with bruvka as the redis client) and compare code/result to the one we did with gevent-socketio.
- Development setup
- Something easy like `./ runchat` for doing chat development. Auto-reload on code change is very desirable.
- 1-2 weeks
- Choose a python implementation for socketio: Gevent-socketio vs Tornadio
- Phase 1 - Group Chat
- A basic chatroom with some notifications (mentions, etc)
- Private instant messaging
- ~2 weeks
- Phase 2 - Basic Queue
- Barebones queue to get started
- ~1 week
- Phase 3 - 1:1 Chat
- Helper can pick a user off queue
- They can chat
- Event notifications
- ~3 weeks
- Phase 4 - Chat Monitor
- An admin helper can join an existing 1:1 chat in monitoring mode.
- ~2 weeks
- Phase 5 - Enqueue Workflow
- The form(s) that lead up to getting in the queue
- Estimated waiting times
- ~2 weeks
- "BETA"
- Phase 6 - End of chat features
- Thank you message
- Post chat survey
- Access to transcript
- [P3] Workflow at the end of chat to refer user over to AAQ with chat information transferred over.
- ~2 weeks
- Phase 7 and beyond - UI Polish, Dashboards, Moderation
- [ongoing]
- UX
- Figure out deployment setup (reverse proxy, etc.)
- How does websockets/keepalive work with zeus?
- InfraSec audit
- Chat logging: choose a data store
- IRC connector?