Support/Goals/2012Q2/ReMo Stewards
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< Support | Goals/2012Q2
Implement the ReMo/Stewards plan and start a guide/buddy program
Purpose Put in place the structures necessary so that SUMO benefits from the resources and help from the contributor engagement team and the Mozilla Reps program.
A functioning program that structures the way:
- Stewards onboard new contributors and work together on new strategies
- Reps interact with SUMO and work together on the recruitment of new contributors
Project plan
Mid May:
- Start drafting the program plan
- Research rewarding system for mentors
End May:
- Contact possible mentors and talk with them about the program to get them involved
- Finnish the draft and get feedback from the contributors
Mid June
- Create processes for the program: documentation, tools, etc.
- Blog about the program and start official enrolling
End June
- get first contributors paired with guide/buddy and help and monitor process at the beginning
- Blog about first steps of the program