* Session Restore
** tweaks didn't have measurable affect** going ''action:''' beltzner to hook up with dietrich about getting out in front of changes to cap per-tab session history, need to blog first and pay attention to nightly tester feedbackrestore for perf optimization
* Download Manager
** Edward Lee has been doing a lot of work fixing edge cases and polish
** Further rev of UI for polish based on Madhava's stuff, some dependencies on apps that share from toolkit
* Password Manager (dolske)
* Security, Privacy, Identity
* SafeBrowsing protocol is undergoing changes, dcamp and others collaborating with them to ensure that Firefox is up to speed and that the protocol changes don't degrade the experience for users
* Broken SSL certificates
** Bob Lord has blogged about how to share exceptions: http://boblord.livejournal.com/18402.html
** need to collect & roundup data points on where people are hitting broken certs & self-signed
* Installer
** everything but 1 P2 PRD item is in progress and under control
* User Experience
** beltzner has a full ui-review queue, will try to clear
** if beltzner is blocking you, please yell at beltzner!
* Theming/Visual Makeover
** see [http://blog.mozilla.com/faaborg/2007/10/10/the-firefox-3-visual-refresh-system-integration Alex's blog post] for some goals and direction
** reaction by Linux was initially negative, but when we made it clear that there's a {{bug|381206}} for GTK native theme updates, became positive and lots of work being done there
=== Security Review ===