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523 bytes added, 19:31, 3 December 2012
Schedule: add slides link
|time=14:20 - 15:50
|Room 1=[[MozCampAsia2012/Schedule/GrowMozilla/Mozilla_Reps|Mozilla Reps: Update and next Steps + Student Reps Planning (]] - WilliamQ, Pierros, Kate)]]|Room 2=[[MozCampAsia2012/l10n_sprint|Localization Sprint for B2G]] (- DwayneBailey, Stas)|Room 3= [[MozCampAsia2012/Schedule/desktopandmobile/SocialAPI|Social API Launch Workshop]] (- Chelsea Novak)
|Room 4= [[MozCampAsia2012/Firefox_OS_Support_Article_Sprint|Fortify Firefox OS with Proactive Support!]] (60 min) - Michael Verdi
|Room 5= [[MozCampAsia2012/Schedule/desktopandmobile/Firefox_Mobile_Creating_Value_to_Define_the_Future|Firefox for Android: Defining Value to Define the Future]] - Karen Rudnitski
|time=16:25 - 17:25
|Room 1= [[MozCampAsia2012/Schedule/GrowMozilla/Manifesto Evolution|Evolution of the Mozilla Manifesto Workshop]]- Mitchell Baker, Channy Yun and Li Gong|Room 2= [[MozCampAsia2012/insight_gaia|Insight Gaia - OS Shell in <html>]] - Tim Chien []|Room 3= [[MozCampAsia2012/Schedule/desktopandmobile/IntroducingSocialAPI|Introduction to SocialAPI]] - Shane Caraveo []
|Room 4= [[MozCampAsia/Schedule/Desktopandmobile/Firefox_l10n_under_rapid_release|Firefox l10n under Rapid Release]] (30min) & [[MozCampAsia2012/Schedule/desktopandmobile/Thunderbird_State_of_the_Union|Thunderbird State of the Union]] (30min)
|Room 5= [[MozCampAsia2012/How_to_build_quality_open_web_apps|How to build quality Open Web Apps]] - David Burns - [ Slides] [ Code]}}
|time=17:35 - 18:35
|Room 1= [[MozCampAsia2012/Schedule/GrowMozilla/CreativeWishList|Creative Wish List: What tools and resources do you need to make your lives easier?]]- Matej Novak (:matej) & Ty Flanagan (:Tycho)
|Room 2= [[MozCampAsia2012/Schedule/GrowMozilla/We_are_all_remoties|We Are All Remoties]] - John O’Duinn '''NOTE: Moved to Warehouse auditorium'''
|Room 3= [[MozCampAsia/Schedule/Desktopandmobile/Firefox_for_Android_Community_Campaign_Challenge|Firefox for Android Community Campaign Challenge: how to market Fennec to Android users in your country/region]] (- Gen Kanai)[]
|Room 4= [[MozCampAsia2012/Schedule/GrowMozilla/Browser_pairs|Browser pairs: Mini HTML5 game, community campaign and much more]] - Cheng-Heng Chang, Hsiao-Ting Yu
[[MozCampAsia2012/Schedule/GrowMozilla/events_of_Taiwan_community_evolution_challenges_and_survival|Events of Taiwan community: evolution, challenges, and survival in 2012]] - Irvin Chen []
|Room 5= [[MozCampAsia2012/Schedule/desktopandmobile/L10n_using_mercurial-From_sunrise_to_sunset|L10n with Mercurial]] - Jeff Beatty & Axel Hecht

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