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18 bytes added, 09:53, 15 November 2012
Sunday, Nov 18th
==Open Working SpaceBoF (Birds of a Feather) Talks==
''Keeping the Conversations GoingIf you would not like to host an entire session (or if you feel inspired(!) by a topic you are passionate about), please consider hosting a BoF talk @ MozCamp on Sunday evening...''
Open Working Space will be available at the The BoF talks can happen on Sunday afternoon from 7:00pm - 10:00pm in Scape on ThursdayHub Quarter @ 4, InfoComms Lab 3. If you would like to host a BoF talk, Friday and Sunday night (tilplease '''[https://etherpad.mozilla. 10pm) org/mozcampasia-bof-talks sign-up to continue the discussions + workshops as neededdo so here]'''.
Location: * Thursday (Day): [http://singapore.In order to give people more time to hear about your talk, please try and enter your talk in The Hub]* Friday (Day): [ The Hub]* schedule by 5pm on Sunday night (until 10pm): Scape Hub Quarter @ 4, InfoComms Lab 3.
Sign-ups: If you would like to sign-up to utilize this room, please do so [ here]
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