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2,492 bytes added, 22:53, 27 September 2012
Creating Unverified Email from Ben's notes
The BrowserID protocol allows websites to get a verified email address from a user. It's verified in that they have been sent an email in the past and clicked a link, proving they control that email address.

To support FirefoxOS, we will provide a second type of identity, an Un-verified Email.

Many websites and applications are okay with a graduated progression from un-trusted to more trusted accounts. They may restrict what the user can do, until they have proved various aspects of their identity.

Users can "level-up"

| |
| Verified Email |
______________| |
| |
| Un-verified |
| |

== Additions to the BrowserID protocol ==

=== === now takes an optional parameter allowUnverified which is a boolean. If set to true, then the Un-verified Email flow is allowed. Defaults to false.

=== Changes to verifier service ===

Currently a fallback verifier lives at

Marketplace and other RPs can POST to The response from this service will include either an email property or a new unverified-email property.

==== Un-verified Email ====

"status": "okay",
"unverified-email": "",
"audience": "",
"issuer": "",
"expires": ...

==== Verified Email ====
"status": "okay",
"email": "",
"audience": "",
"issuer": "",
"expires": ...

Once the user goes through the email verification loop, they will have a verified email. The response will stop showing the unverified-email property and start showing the email property.

=== Passwords ===

Just like today, an un-verified email flow will collect a password from the user up front. We'll use the password to allow them to log in to their un-verified account.

=== Other Requirements ===
Once an email is verified, it won't go back in to an un-verified state.

We'll need to look at this from a security POV and make sure an attacker can't squat on email addresses. We may need a way to expire the password/verification email for un-verified accounts.

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