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28 bytes added, 17:58, 24 July 2012
Firefox Development
==Firefox Development==
* Social: Jared, Shane and Gavin: sidebar, activation/toggling UIlanded in the past few days. Still not on by default, next milestone will be landing some foundational pieces that will allow us to expose the full functionality of the test provider (MoTown): {{bug|770695}}, {{bug|774003}}.
* Tim Taubert fixed a leak that occurred when sidebars were used ({{bug|728426}}), and is working on improving the test leak detection mechanism to eliminate false-positive leak oranges on tinderbox ({{bug|728294}})
* Ekanan Ketunuti has submitted several patches to get rid of our use of -moz-prefixed properties in Firefox code ({{bug|772463}}, {{bug|774620}}, {{bug|775225}})
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