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642 bytes added, 17:54, 24 July 2012
Firefox Development
==Firefox Development==
* Social: Jared, Shane and Gavin: sidebar, activation/toggling UI. Still not on by default, next milestone will be landing some foundational pieces that will allow us to expose the full functionality of the test provider (MoTown): {{bug|770695}}, {{bug|774003}}.
* Tim Taubert fixed a leak that occurred when sidebars were used ({{bug|728426}}), and is working on improving the test leak detection mechanism to eliminate false-positive leak oranges on tinderbox ({{bug|728294}})
* Ekanan Ketunuti has submitted several patches to get rid of our use of -moz-prefixed properties in Firefox code ({{bug|772463}}, {{bug|774620}}, {{bug|775225}})
==Firefox Developer Tools==
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