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Features/Desktop/Firefox Home Tab

21 bytes removed, 18:42, 20 December 2011
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|Feature version=Firefox 12
|Feature health=OK
|Feature status note=Phase 1 UX specs wrapping up this weekcomplete. Working with Engineering to get resourced. Team will focus on phase 2 design next week and target as well as phase 1 development. Targeting Fx12 to land these changes.
With the introduction of Apps and Identity into Firefox, a user's Home Tab will be the central location where users can access their most valuable content. Firefox will offer easy access to things users are familiar with today (Bookmarks, History, Settings, Downloads) as well as introduce the Apps Marketplace -- a great place to discover exciting new content on the Web.
As the content on the Home Tab evolves, we believe this page should be completely for the user. The goal is to make this page as customizable as possible, and often offer valuable modules for everyone at that really enhance the same timeFirefox experience. |Feature dependencies=;Archived bugs with previous patches:*[ Bug 544819] - Create a basic Home Tab linking to the current Home Page*[ Bug 585316] - Migrate homepage pref when we remove the home button
|Feature requirements=;Phase 1 requirements:
*In this phase we will introduce launchers to the the Firefox Home page. See the UX spec below to see what this looks like. These launchers will serve as a starting point to access common activities for Firefox users today.
*Waiting for Engineer to be assigned
;ArchiveDev info:* Tracking development in [ home tab etherpad]*[ Bug 544819] - Create a basic Home Tab linking to the current Home Page*[ Bug 585316] - Migrate homepage pref when we remove the home button
Canmove, confirm, emeritus

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