= Stability Report =
==Component crash breakdown==
Another round of work on the component reports
* https://crash-analysis.mozilla.com/rkaiser/2011-10-24/2011-10-24.firefox.release.7.0.components.html
* https://crash-analysis.mozilla.com/rkaiser/2011-10-24/2011-10-24.fennec.nightly.components.html
* https://crash-analysis.mozilla.com/rkaiser/2011-10-24/2011-10-24.fennec.aurora.components.html
* https://crash-analysis.mozilla.com/rkaiser/2011-10-24/2011-10-24.fennec.beta.8.0.components.html
* {{bug|696651}} - top crash on the trunk - reproducible.* {{bug|696806}} - new regression on the trunk filed by contributor.* {{bug|695151}} - Firefox Crash [@ coreclr.dll@0xbaf32 ] (Silverlight)* {{bug|695505}} - Firefox Crash @ js::PropertyCache* {{bug|695524}} - [10.7.2] crash FinderKit@0x78d87 FinderKit@0x7c438 FinderKit@0x78ec6 * {{bug|695793}} - crash orangetoolbar* {{bug|696204}} - crash skypeffcomponent* {{bug|696449}} - crash PL_DHashTableOperate (stack overflow from nsContainerFrame::RemoveFrame) * {{bug|696457}} - crash 2puabtn (Coupon Alert Toolbar) * {{bug|695041}} - crash in nsHtml5Tokenizer::stateLoop due to null backing array in strBuf (longStrBuf null also) * {{bug}694974}} - crash in mscorwks.dll with 100% correlation to IdVault.dll (White Sky IdVault / Comcast Constant Guard) * {{bug|694968}} - crash in libvoikko-1.dll * {{bug|694966}} - crash @ roboform@0x395ac1 (RoboForm 7.5.6)