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Services/Sync/Features/Addon Sync

221 bytes added, 19:01, 2 September 2011
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|Feature open issues and risks=* <table><tr> <th>Issue/Risk</th> <th>Status</th></tr><tr> <td>Is this only for desktop to desktop add-on syncing? Like AdBlock Plus. If this works across devices great! If not the priority is first to get desktop to desktop working and then worry about mobile. I need to understand the work involved.</td>** <td>This will work between add-ons belonging to the same application ID (e.g. desktop, Fennec). The system will be forward compatible, so if we want to try enabling syncing across applications of different IDs, we can do that easily.</td></tr><tr> <td>* Why does Sync need to be used for updating Add-ons? Would the user not be prompted to update the add-on through the browser?** </td> <td>It doesn't need to be used for updating add-ons. This is just an easy win. It can easily be postponed to after the initial release.* </td></tr> <tr> <td>Do we need some prompts or feedback when add-ons are synced, at all?** </td> <td>Probably. Many add-ons still aren't restartless, so installing, uninstalling, enabling, or disabling will require restart. When Sync is driving the add-on install, the Add-on Manager won't display any visual prompts. So, it will be Sync's responsibility to trigger a UI element to prompt restart, if desired. Sync has full control over that element. We could display the one used by the Add-on Manager or make our own.* </td></tr> <tr> <td>Are there any problems with large sets of add-on state being updated at once? Say the user has not used a device for a while and they use it again and a whole bunch of add-ons need to be updated. </td> <td> </td></tr></table>
|Feature overview=Sync is a service to keep the Firefox experience consistent across multiple devices by ensuring user data is synced across various devices. This feature will enable add-ons to be synced across devices. Add-ons are small pieces of software that add new features or functionality to an installation of Firefox. Add-ons can augment Firefox with new features, foreign language dictionaries, or change its visual appearance. Through add-ons, you can customize Firefox to meet your needs and tastes.
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