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Services/Sync/Features/Addon Sync

83 bytes added, 05:37, 30 August 2011
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For add-on objects, providers wishing to opt in to Sync will expose the following read-only properties:
; syncData : a string that describes data necessary to synchronize the add-on between clients. The format of the string is not defined, and is opaque to Sync code. A JSON representation of an object might be a good choice, to hold the data needed by the add-ons manager to install/uninstall an addon.
; syncGUID : a GUID used to identify this add-on across Sync client instances. The GUID should be generated using Utils.makeGUID() from the Sync code. It is basically a Base64-encoded representation of 9 random bytes.
The AddonManager will support the following APIs:
; installAddonFromSyncData(typesyncData, syncGUID, syncData, callbackObj) : Installs an add-on from sync data. Receives the data from the original add-on type, the GUID it should be installed with, the data from the original add-on, and an object describing callbacks to be invoked when specific events occurs. The manager will try to obtain an install record and then execute the install.
; uninstallAddonBySyncGUID(syncGUID, callbackObj) : Uninstalls an add-on specified by its syncGUID.

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