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Talk:Firefox/4.0 Mac Theme Mockups

584 bytes added, 12:25, 21 February 2010
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[[User:Squiddy22|Squiddy22]] 03:02, 23 December 2009 (UTC)
What you have there is a major improvement. However, I believe it still badly breaks Apple Human Interface Guidelines and thus looks as alien to Mac OS X as Internet Explorer 7 does to Windows XP (another case of completely ignoring HIG). OK, so space is saved by cutting redundancy between the window title element and the tab title elements. However, this means that people with many tabs open just won't see at a glance what the title is. I have two tabs open and already the title of this page is only 50% visible. [[User:(=Nemesis=)|(=Nemesis=)]] 12:25, 21 February 2010 (UTC)

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