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Talk:Firefox/4.0 Mac Theme Mockups

1,397 bytes added, 23:09, 11 November 2009
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I would also like to ask the question of when Firefox will become a fully cocoa app. After seeing some of the nice core animation effects featured in Chrome and Safari Firefox looks dated with almost any theme applied to it. Will 4.0 be cocoa?
--[[User:Mark2000|Mark2000]] 01:43, 5 November 2009 (UTC)
Well I think it looks frighteningly bad. Firstly, the profile button is in a terrible place, and there's no need for it to even be there. If people want it, let them put it on the toolbar, like the other technically unnecessary stuff. Secondly, the divide between the title bar (which bears no title, save the out-of-focus tab titles) and the toolbar is very unnatural looking, and while that may be all very well in the anarchistic world of Linux (and oh look, it's the same design as the Linux version too), it looks bug-ugly when in the Mac environment. Thirdly, the tab loading bar is a fairly good idea, but the placement and style is so out of place, it's unbelievable. I know that in a way, tabs on the top of the window is more "logical", but if you can't even get it right, stick with the tabs-under-toolbars model. All in all, this proposed theme is so fantastically ugly that will actually make people wonder whether the upgrade to 4.0 would be worth it. For heaven's sake, Mozilla, get actual Mac users to design Mac interfaces.
Good grief. I thought the Mac design was bad. And I've just this moment seen the Windows design. It is quite simply the worst "professional" interface I've seen in my life. Honestly. It could easily prompt people to switch to IE, for Heaven's sake.
Please come up with some new and better interfaces, Mozilla. Ones that I could not surpass in my SLEEP.

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