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CA/Bug Triage

9 bytes added, 21:49, 3 May 2023
Updated to the new way that CCADB SC uses Bugzilla Bugs to track enhancement requests.
* [ [ccadb-api]] -- for requesting API access to the CCADB as per
* [ [ccadb-bug]] -- for issues or problems using the CCADB.
* All [ [ccadb-enhancement]] -- for requesting minor updates to the CCADB, such as adding sections or fields to pages for root store members.* [ [ccadb-roadmap]Common%20CA%20Database "CA Program : Common CA Database" Bugzilla Bugs] -- for tracking large updates that do not have a whiteboard tag are considered to the CCADB, which are be enhancement requests that will be prioritized and schedule by the CCADB Council in the CCADB RoadmapSteering Committee.
The Priority field is used for Common CA Database CCADB Enhancement Requests and bugs as follows:* P1 - In Progress and being actively worked onDevelopment in progress* P2 - Needs to be started soonDesign complete* P3 - Ongoing project that is being done as time permitsPrioritized* P4 or not set - To be prioritized and scheduled for later Bugs that unintentionally remove pre-existing functionality or negatively impact CCADB users should have priority over Enhancements, and should be set to P1. Low impact bugs will start at P4 and be considered with ERs. If it's a low LOE bug (less than 4 hours of work later) it can go from P4 to P1 without prioritization/design.
Confirm, administrator

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