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CA/Maintenance and Enforcement

224 bytes removed, 16:59, 24 September 2018
minor updates
Mozilla's efforts to maintain confidence in root certificates include:
# Carefully reviewing [[CA/Application_Process|CA applications for root inclusion]].
#* A Mozilla representative reviews relevant [ incident reports] and the CA’s responses
#* A Mozilla representative checks the CA's CP/CPS documentation for
#** compliance with [ Mozilla's Root Store Policy,]
#** compliance with [ Mozilla's Recommended Required Practices] (if issues are noted, they are discussed to determine of the CA takes appropriate measures to protect end-users), and#** avoidance of [ Mozilla's list of Potentially Problematic Forbidden Practices] (if found, further questions and discussion follow to evaluate if the CA's measures are sufficient to protect end-users).
#* A Mozilla representative confirms that the CA has been audited as per [ Mozilla's Root Store Policy.]
# Keeping a record of current audit statements for each CA.
Confirm, administrator

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