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Thunderbird:Preference Settings

990 bytes added, 22:22, 14 August 2008
no edit summary
Please open the Thunderbird Preferences menu to see what each tab contains. The window size may not need to be increased.
== Proposed options for Global Account Settings menu ==
In Preferences I think the following belongs in a Global Account Settings menu:
* Forward Messages: [Inline/As Attachment]
* Auto Save every [ ] Minutes
* The whole Composition->General->HTML section
* Configure text format behaviour [Send Options...]
* The whole Composition->Addressing section
* The whole Privacy section that being:
** Junk
** E-mail Scams
** Anti-Virus
** Passwords
* The whole Attachments tab that being:
** Attachments folder
** Download actions
* Determine how Thunderbird handles return receipts [Return Receipts...]
* [v] Compact folders when it will save over [ ]KB
I suggest those to be moved to a Global Account Settings menu, because each of
these are direct email or folder related.
If you look at Edit->Account Settings->Return Receipts Thunderbird have already
introduced the Global Settings concept. What Thunderbird here means by "Global"
is "what have been configured in the Preferences".

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