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Thunderbird:Preference Settings

3,900 bytes added, 02:03, 14 August 2008
no edit summary
For documentation of ideas from {{bug|448716}}, Preferences UI clean up.
== Reducing the number of sub-tabs ==
The current Preferences menu have 6 main tabs and 13 sub-tabs. The goal is to reduce the number of sub-tabs by increasing the number og main-tabs and maybe the window size.
The current window looks like this, where the first line is the title of the main-tab:
| |
| General | Display | Composition | Privacy | Attachments | Advanced |
| | Format | General | Junk | | General |
| | Tags | Addressing | Scams | | Network & Disk Space |
| | | Spelling | Anti-Virus | | Updates |
| | | | Passwords | | Certificates |
| |
In Firefox the Preferences looks like:
| |
| Main | Content | Applications | Privacy | Security | Advanced |
| | General |
| | Network |
| | Updates |
| | Encryption |
| |
The proposed layout for Thunderbird looks like:
| |
| Main | Display | Tags | Composition | Privacy | Advanced |
| | Addressing |
| | Anti-Virus |
| | Junk |
| | Network & Disk Space |
| | Update |
| | Certificates |
| |
In the above mock-up have the content of the main-tabs been set to:
* Main = General + Attachments
* Display = Display->Format + Privacy->Email Scams
* Composition = Composition->General + Composition->Spelling
* Privacy = Privacy->Passwords
Please open the Thunderbird Preferences menu to see what each tab contains. The window size may not need to be increased.

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