Socorro/SocorroUI/Code Review

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  • Minor fixes or tweaks do not require code reviews.
  • All other fixes require code review.
  • Code review patches should be created and attached the bug ticket in Bugzilla.

Code Review Process

1. Complete the code.

2. Generate a patch with svn diff. For example:

svn diff > {bugzilla_id}_{i}.diff

3. Submit your patch via an attachment to the bug ticket.

4. Assign another developer to review the patch. If you do not know who to assign to review your patch, please contact the Socorro team at

5. The reviewing developer will apply the patch using the patch command, e.g.:

patch -p0 -i {bugzilla_id}_{i}.diff

6. a. If the developer approves the patch, commit the code to subversion. 6. b. If the developer does not approve the patch, the developer will make recommendations for completing the patch. Start over at step 1.