From MozillaWiki
Weave 0.3 Registration API
Release Date: TBD
Checking for a Username
GET https://server/prefix/check/username
returns 1 if the username exists, 0 otherwise
Finding a location for a user
GET https://server/prefix/location/username
returns the location of a user in a multicluster system. Empty response means the user is on the registration host.
Creating a User Account
POST https://server/prefix/new
Term | Description |
uid | The username to be created. |
password | The requested password |
Email address associated with the account (for password recovery) | |
recaptcha_challenge_field | (optional) challenge field from the captcha |
recaptcha_response_field | (optional) response field from the captcha |
The captcha is optional and is activated by setting the WEAVE_REGISTER_USE_CAPTCHA variable in the apache config. If it is set, issuing a GET request to the above URL (no parameters) will provide the html for the captcha.
Changing a User Password
POST https://server/prefix/chpwd
Term | Description |
uid | The username to be created. |
password | The old password |
new | The new password |
Response Codes
The API uses the standard Weave Response Codes