FirefoxOS Review Details
- API: Bluetooth API - Version 2
- Review Date: September 2014
- Review Lead: Paul Theriault
Work is currently underway to implement a new version of the Gecko Bluetooth API. The key changes are:
- new API, using webidl
- Bluetooth will be exposed to privileged apps
- new bluetooth profiles supported
This review focuses specifically on the new API itself. Review of the Gaia bluetooth app Configuration of Wifi via the settings (and other Apps)
- Gecko
- The new interfaces:
- Bluetooth permission enforcement (which functions are available to which app types)
- Messaging (child/parent)
As the API is still in development, this review is a design review only (testing to be conducted at a later stage).
- Bluetooth Manager: Allows getting a list of adapters, and listening for when adapters change (BluetoothAdapterEvents which detail adapter's name and mac address)
- Bluetooth Adapter: contains all details of an adatper (inc mac address and current discovery state)
- Contains a bluetoothPairingListener which is only available to certified apps. This is used to handle pairing requests
Relevant Source Code
The code for the new API is stored in the /dom/bluetooth2 directory of gecko source code:
Permission Model
- Paste from Permissions Table.jsm (see below)
- Discuss anything special like access
- Discuss where permissions are enforced (access to object, on IPC messages, at each function call etc)
"wifi-manage": { 190 app: DENY_ACTION, 191 privileged: DENY_ACTION, 192 certified: ALLOW_ACTION 193 },
Review Notes
1. Content/Chrome Segregation
2. Process Segregation
All bluetooth commands are executed via a "Bluetooth Service". This service has a parent and child component, and all commands end up being executed in the parent. Most of the parent code is in dom/bluetooth2/ipc/BluetoothParent.cpp
StartBluetoothRequest; StopBluetoothRequest; SetPropertyRequest; GetPropertyRequest; StartDiscoveryRequest; StopDiscoveryRequest; PairRequest; UnpairRequest; SetPinCodeRequest; SetPasskeyRequest; ConfirmPairingConfirmationRequest; DenyPairingConfirmationRequest; ConnectedDevicePropertiesRequest; PairedDevicePropertiesRequest; FetchUuidsRequest; ConnectRequest; DisconnectRequest; SendFileRequest; StopSendingFileRequest; ConfirmReceivingFileRequest; DenyReceivingFileRequest; ConnectScoRequest; DisconnectScoRequest; IsScoConnectedRequest; AnswerWaitingCallRequest; IgnoreWaitingCallRequest; ToggleCallsRequest; SendMetaDataRequest; SendPlayStatusRequest;
3. Data validation & Sanitization
4. Denial of Service
Security Risks & Mitigating Controls
- At a minimum, something like Web NFC discussion
- Maybe more in-depth if needed e.g./Security/Reviews/Identity/browserid#Threat_Model BrowserID (persona)
Actions & Recommendations
- List of recommendations, and corresponding bug numbers
- For sensitive bugs, just put bug number (or omit entirely maybe it is really dangerous & obvious)