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Identity (browserid)
Tracker Bug -
Stage Definition
Status Red (Green, Yellow, Red?)
Release Target Live
Health -
Status Note Demo is live, secreview is underway


Product manager
Feature manager -
Engineering lead Ryan Tilder
Infrastructure Security lead Yvan Boily
Product Security lead
Privacy lead
Localization lead -
Accessibility lead -
QA lead -
UX lead -
Product marketing lead -
Additional members -

Open issues/risks

Stage 1: Definition


Include brief summary of feature/project, and link back to core feature/product pages.


Architecture Diagram


Use Cases

Data Flows

Stage 2: Design

Threat Model

Upload threat model diagram Include links to relevant files, etc, here.

Business Test Cases

Document application specific test cases here

Privacy Risk Analysis

(Status of and link to privacy review and outcome here)

Stage 3: Planning

Application Security Requirements

Document individual requirements for the application here (e.g. CEF logging, captcha, etc)

Operation Security Requirements

Document network/platform security requirements here (e.g. IDS concerns, firewall changes, system hardening reqs, etc)

Mana Website Creation Form

Critical Security Requirements

Itemize individual security blockers here. Reference components in section AppSec or OpSec subsections. These blockers must be addressed before the product can go live.

Stage 4: Development

Repeatable Security Test Cases

Document individual repeatable security test cases here. Include a reference to the source repo, and documentation that governs how to execute test cases.

Secure Coding Guidelines

Document specific secure coding guidelines to be followed and relate them to specific issues/requirements that are specified; capture bug ids related to those issues.

Code Review Milestones

Table 1 - itemized list of code review milestones {i.e. breakdown of specific components that will be reviewed} Table 2 - list of app components/modules that should trigger additional security review (e.g. auth, csrf, file upload handling, etc)

Stage 5: Release

Application Security Verification

These subsections should contain a list of the steps to be taken, and the status of each activity

Code Review

Automated Security Testing

Manual Security Testing

Operational Security Verification

ArcSight Information

Network Design Security Review

Database Security Review

Platform Security (Hardening & Specific Config Requirements)

Landing Criteria

This should be a table itemizing everything from Stage 3 - Critical Security Requirements, including status. For status Red=Unimplemented,Yellow=implemented,Green=tested and passed?

Stage 6: Post Implementation Review

Production Security Considerations

Document additional/ongoing work for this application (e.g. specific things to watch for in ArcSight, gaming behaviour, etc)

Post Implementation Tasks

Itemize process/kb changes developed from this project (e.g. secure coding guidelines, policy stuff, etc)

Team status notes

status notes
Products tbd -
Engineering tbd -
Engineering tbd -
Engineering tbd -
Engineering tbd -
Engineering tbd -
Engineering tbd -
Engineering tbd -
Engineering tbd -