From MozillaWiki
< Security | Meetings | SecurityAssurance
- Time: (Weekly) Tuesday at 13:30 PM PDT / 16:30 PM EDT / 21:30 PM UTC.
- Place: Mozilla HQ, MTV 217 Star Trek
- Phone (US/Intl): 650 903 0800 x92 Conf: 95217#
- Phone (Toronto): 416 848 3114 x92 Conf: 95217#
- Phone (US): 800 707 2533 (pin 369) Conf: 95217#
Today's meeting is hosted by, Operations Security (aka "OpSec")
- [kang] Rapid Risk Assessment (aka RRA) (13:34)
- We have a reference document on how we do RRAs:
- Current RRAs stored at
- [ulfr] MIG deployment update and future
- [ulfr] Server Side TLS Recommendations Updated
- [michal] datacenter network security
- [jeff] What's next for MozDef
- Decommission arcsight (again)
- Making use of NSM/Bro as IDS instead of just combing through logs
- release 1.0 at blackhat arsenal
- docs, packaging, moar docs
- Other Data sources: MIG, Vulnsnitch, Nagios, Vidyo
- Integration to existing banhammer for ogre remediation
- Virtual reality (occulus rift, myo, omnidirectional treadmill)
- Machine learning
- [averez] Caphaw DNS classifier for fun (free time project)
- [joe] Some upcoming projects for Q3/Q4
- Operational Metrics
- Risk Heat Map
- MFA and SSO
- Moar cloud security
- Certificate management standards and guidelines
- Questions?
- can you go a bit more into detail for MFA/SSO? Will this expose (share) our password data to additional external service providers? [freddy]
- Anything else?