Releases/Thunderbird 17.0.5/BuildNotes

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Bugs Hit

  • bug 855795 - bug 745975 broke repacks on esr releases
  • bug 855837 - comm-release releases are repackaging on Windows 64-bit machines

Build 1



Fix Linux64 upload symbols failures

bug 855682 - knowns_hosts on /N/production/centos5-x86_64/build/local/home/cltbld/.ssh/known_hosts needed to be updated

Fix failed Linux repacks

Linux repacks failed with a syntax error. This is fallout from bug 745975 which added some code that required Python 2.6+. Tracked in bug 855795 and fixed by bhearsum.

Fix failed Windows repacks

Windows repacks failed because they were run on 64-bit Windows slaves. This is the result of a bad merge when bhearsum was backing out bug 825630. Bhearsum landed the fix from bug 855837, reconfiged, and retriggered the failed repacks with "rebuild".


[tbirdbld@dp-ausstage01 ~]$ cd /opt/aus2/snippets/staging
[tbirdbld@dp-ausstage01 staging]$ ~/bin/pushsnip Thunderbird-17.0.5-build1